
An assessment is conducted by an IEQ professional and consists of checks of the HVAC system and general areas.

Tracking Number School Date
GXWLHS20220000B1 Wilde Lake High School
GXXAHS20220000B0 Atholton High School
GXCRES20220000AF Cradlerock Elementary School
GXXXHC20220000AE Homewood Center
GXXLES20220000AD Lisbon Elementary School
GXBBES20220000AC Bollman Bridge Elementary School
GXPVMS20220000AB Patuxent Valley Middle School
GXMRHS20220000AA Marriotts Ridge High School
GXMVMS20220000A9 Mount View Middle School
GXXGES20220000A8 Guilford Elementary School
GXFQMS20220000A7 Folly Quarter Middle School
GXXRHS20220000A6 Reservoir High School
GXWFES20220000A5 West Friendship Elementary School
GXLRHS20220000A4 Long Reach High School
GXXGHS20220000A3 Glenelg High School
GXXEES20220000A1 Elkridge Elementary School
GXBPES20220000A0 Bushy Park Elementary School
GXXGMS202200009F Glenwood Middle School
GXXIES202200009E Ilchester Elementary School
GXBBMS202200009D Bonnie Branch Middle School
GXHOHS202200009C Howard High School
GXXCHS202200009B Centennial High School
HXMRHS202200009A Marriotts Ridge High School
GXLEMS202200009A Lake Elkhorn Middle School
HXMHHS2022000099 Mount Hebron High School