
An assessment is conducted by an IEQ professional and consists of checks of the HVAC system and general areas.

Tracking Number School Date
HXXGHS20220000AB Glenelg High School
HXWLHS20220000AA Wilde Lake High School
HXOMMS20220000A9 Oakland Mills Middle School
HXOMHS20220000A8 Oakland Mills High School
HXXCES20220000A7 Clarksville Elementary School
HXRHHS20220000A6 River Hill High School
HXSFES20220000A5 Stevens Forest Elementary School
HXXAES20220000A4 Atholton Elementary School
HXXAHS20220000A3 Atholton High School
HXCRES20220000A2 Cradlerock Elementary School
HXLEMS20220000A1 Lake Elkhorn Middle School
HXHSES20220000A0 Hollifield Station Elementary School
HXLOES202200009F Longfellow Elementary School
HXHCMS202200009E Harper’s Choice Middle School
HXXSES202200009D Swansfield Elementary School
HXCCES202200009C Clemens Crossing Elementary School
GXBSES20220000B9 Bellows Spring Elementary School
GXJHES20220000B8 Jeffers Hill Elementary School
HXWLMS202200009B Wilde Lake Middle School
GXXDMS20220000B7 Dunloggin Middle School
GXHAHS20220000B6 Hammond High School
GXOMMS20220000B5 Oakland Mills Middle School
GXOMHS20220000B4 Oakland Mills High School
GXMHHS20220000B3 Mount Hebron High School
GXEMMS20220000B2 Ellicott Mills Middle School