
An assessment is conducted by an IEQ professional and consists of checks of the HVAC system and general areas.

Tracking Number School Date
GXBWES2020000017 Bryant Woods Elementary School
GXWFES2020000016 West Friendship Elementary School
GXXCMS2020000015 Clarksville Middle School
GXLRHS2020000014 Long Reach High School
GXPLES2020000013 Phelps Luck Elementary School
GXXXHC2020000012 Homewood Center
GXWLHS2020000011 Wilde Lake High School
GXWLMS2020000010 Wilde Lake Middle School
GXMRHS202000000F Marriotts Ridge High School
GXFQMS202000000E Folly Quarter Middle School
GXXGHS202000000D Glenelg High School
GXBPES202000000C Bushy Park Elementary School
GXEMMS202000000B Ellicott Mills Middle School
GXXGMS2020000009 Glenwood Middle School
GXXDMS202000000A Dunloggin Middle School
GXXLES2020000008 Lisbon Elementary School
GXELMS2020000007 Elkridge Landing Middle School
GXXEES2020000006 Elkridge Elementary School
GXTSES2020000005 Talbott Springs Elementary School
GXOMHS2020000004 Oakland Mills High School
GXOMMS2020000003 Oakland Mills Middle School
GXBBMS2020000002 Bonnie Branch Middle School
GXXIES2020000001 Ilchester Elementary School