A concern is a reported environment concern from a student, staff member, parent or visitor.
If you have a concern, please let us know about it.
Concern | Created | Facility | Location | Closed |
CXHOHS20210001FF Water event wetted a section of carpet in hall… |
Howard High School | Auditorium Hall and Stage | Yes | |
CXXCMS20210001FE Since last Monday my child started to have a… |
Clarksville Middle School | Clarksville Middle School | Yes | |
CXWLHS20210001FC There was a concern brought by the staff in the… |
Wilde Lake High School | The day care area | Yes | |
CXCLES20210001FB Smells musty in AM. I get an itchy throat and… |
Centennial Lane Elementary School | Room 150 | Yes | |
CXBBES20210001FA Odor from gym floor sealing. |
Bollman Bridge Elementary School | Gymnasium | Yes | |
CXXCHS20210001F8 Black staining on wall above drop ceiling. Pipe… |
Centennial High School | 203 | Yes | |
CXBPES20210001F3 For the past five years there has been a foul… |
Bushy Park Elementary School | Media Center | Yes | |
CXWFES20210001F1 Mold growth observed on various items when… |
West Friendship Elementary School | Rooms 130, 131, and 134 (Storage Closet) | Yes | |
CXXIES20210001F0 Our new counselor threw away an item with mold on… |
Ilchester Elementary School | Counselor's Office | Yes | |
CXBBES20210001EF Mold was found on media books and bookshelves… |
Bollman Bridge Elementary School | Media Center MDF RM | Yes | |
CXXCHS20210001EE Suspect mold. |
Centennial High School | FACS | Yes | |
CXLKMS20210001ED Mold growing on surfaces throughout the room. |
Lime Kiln Middle School | Closet on lower level under stairwell by main lower parking lot entrance door (near Rm. 20) | Yes | |
CXOMHS20210001EC My daughter and her friend complain of headaches… |
Oakland Mills High School | Room 809 | Yes | |
CXXXCO20210001EB There seems to poor air quality within the area… |
Central Office | Human Resources Office - Mid-Level | Yes | |
CXHOHS20210001E9 The mold is located in the shower, AC unit, on… |
Howard High School | Boys' PE Office | Yes | |
CXMVMS20210001E8 Strong, musty smell and uncomfortable humidity… |
Mount View Middle School | Portable 64 | Yes | |
CXHSES20210001E7 Relative humidity mold was identified in Portable… |
Hollifield Station Elementary School | Portable 71 | Yes | |
CXPRES20210001E6 Mold growth found on the back wall of built-in… |
Pointers Run Elementary School | Room 145 | Yes | |
CXXVES20210001E5 There are blacks spots surrounding the vents in… |
Veterans Elementary School | Portable 114 | Yes | |
CXOMHS20210001E2 Mold on superficial parts of ac and inside of the… |
Oakland Mills High School | Girls locker room office | Yes | |
CXXAES20210001E0 School reported possible mold growth on carpet. |
Atholton Elementary School | Room 106 | Yes | |
CXMWES20210001DF School reported an IEQ concern via work order… |
Manor Woods Elementary School | Portable 29 | Yes | |
CXXXCO20210001DE Partition walls wet due to elevated humidity. |
Central Office | Portable 148 | Yes | |
CXXNES20210001DD Mold growth was found on two tables. |
Northfield Elementary School | Portable 200 | Yes | |
CXHAHS20210001DC Mold growth found on a few pieces of furniture. |
Hammond High School | Classrooms 6 and 12 in Portable Wing 267 | Yes |