
An finding is an individual nonconformity noticed during a walkthrough.

Tracking Number Facility Comments Closed
FXXARL2020001E8B Applications and Research Laboratory Tried unsuccessfully to take a picture of crack… No
FXXARL2020001E8A Applications and Research Laboratory Bubbling paint on exterior wall No
FXXARL2020001E89 Applications and Research Laboratory Exit door frame showing signs of rust and bubbling No
FXXARL2020001E88 Applications and Research Laboratory Yes
FXXARL2020001E87 Applications and Research Laboratory Stains near motion sensor Yes
FXXARL2020001E86 Applications and Research Laboratory Yes
FXXARL2020001E85 Applications and Research Laboratory No
FXXARL2020001E84 Applications and Research Laboratory Stains Yes
FXXARL2020001E83 Applications and Research Laboratory Mice fecal matter throughout room, mostly on the… No
FXXARL2020001E81 Applications and Research Laboratory Yes
FXXARL2020001E82 Applications and Research Laboratory Tile out of place vestibule near office and minor… Yes
FXXARL2020001E80 Applications and Research Laboratory When A4B raises temp to 69 degrees, A2 becomes… No
FXXARL2020001E7F Applications and Research Laboratory When A4B raises temp to 69 degrees, A2 becomes… No
FXXARL2020001E7E Applications and Research Laboratory Artificial in patient area Yes
FXXARL2020001E7D Applications and Research Laboratory Every so often, Teacher needs to ask to have room… Yes
FXXARL2020001E7C Applications and Research Laboratory Blistering paint cement near window and paper… No
FXXARL2020001E7B Applications and Research Laboratory Panel under window coming off or loose check why… No
FXXARL2020001E7A Applications and Research Laboratory Yes
FXXARL2020001E79 Applications and Research Laboratory Yes
FXXARL2020001E78 Applications and Research Laboratory Yes
FXHOHS2020001E77 Howard High School Maintain minimum 18 inches clearance from the… Yes
FXXIES2020001E76 Ilchester Elementary School Yes
FXHOHS2020001E75 Howard High School Ceiling tile missing Yes
FXHOHS2020001E74 Howard High School Door handle loose. No
FXXARL2020001E73 Applications and Research Laboratory No
FXXARL2020001E71 Applications and Research Laboratory Yes
FXHOHS2020001E72 Howard High School HVAC unit in the closet making noise. No
FXXARL2020001E70 Applications and Research Laboratory No
FXXIES2020001E6F Ilchester Elementary School Yes
FXXARL2020001E6D Applications and Research Laboratory Moisture in window by door exit No
FXHOHS2020001E6E Howard High School Yes
FXXARL2020001E6C Applications and Research Laboratory Yes
FXXARL2020001E6B Applications and Research Laboratory Yes
FXXARL2020001E6A Applications and Research Laboratory Yes
FXXARL2020001E69 Applications and Research Laboratory Yes
FXXARL2020001E68 Applications and Research Laboratory No
FXHOHS2020001E67 Howard High School Broken lens Yes
FXHOHS2020001E66 Howard High School Dusty vents Yes
FXXVES2020001E65 Veterans Elementary School Yes
FXHOHS2020001E64 Howard High School Yes
FXHOHS2020001E63 Howard High School Yes
FXHOHS2020001E62 Howard High School Yes
FXHOHS2020001E61 Howard High School Yes
FXHOHS2020001E60 Howard High School Three to four stained ceiling tiles. Yes
FXHOHS2020001E5F Howard High School Yes
FXHOHS2020001E5E Howard High School Yes
FXHOHS2020001E5D Howard High School Yes
FXHOHS2020001E5C Howard High School Mini Fridge Yes
FXHOHS2020001E5B Howard High School Also, towels stuffed under doors Yes
FXHOHS2020001E5A Howard High School Dot stains & drain clogged Yes