
An finding is an individual nonconformity noticed during a walkthrough.

Tracking Number Facility Comments Closed
FXXARL2020001E71 Applications and Research Laboratory Yes
FXHOHS2020001E72 Howard High School HVAC unit in the closet making noise. No
FXXARL2020001E70 Applications and Research Laboratory No
FXXIES2020001E6F Ilchester Elementary School Yes
FXXARL2020001E6D Applications and Research Laboratory Moisture in window by door exit No
FXHOHS2020001E6E Howard High School Yes
FXXARL2020001E6C Applications and Research Laboratory Yes
FXXARL2020001E6B Applications and Research Laboratory Yes
FXXARL2020001E6A Applications and Research Laboratory Yes
FXXARL2020001E69 Applications and Research Laboratory Yes
FXXARL2020001E68 Applications and Research Laboratory No
FXHOHS2020001E67 Howard High School Broken lens Yes
FXHOHS2020001E66 Howard High School Dusty vents Yes
FXXVES2020001E65 Veterans Elementary School Yes
FXHOHS2020001E64 Howard High School Yes
FXHOHS2020001E63 Howard High School Yes
FXHOHS2020001E62 Howard High School Yes
FXHOHS2020001E61 Howard High School Yes
FXHOHS2020001E60 Howard High School Three to four stained ceiling tiles. Yes
FXHOHS2020001E5F Howard High School Yes
FXHOHS2020001E5E Howard High School Yes
FXHOHS2020001E5D Howard High School Yes
FXHOHS2020001E5C Howard High School Mini Fridge Yes
FXHOHS2020001E5B Howard High School Also, towels stuffed under doors Yes
FXHOHS2020001E5A Howard High School Dot stains & drain clogged Yes
FXHOHS2020001E59 Howard High School Microwave, mini fridge, coffee maker Yes
FXHOHS2020001E57 Howard High School Yes
FXHOHS2020001E56 Howard High School Yes
FXXEES2020001E58 Elkridge Elementary School vent needs cleaning Yes
FXHOHS2020001E55 Howard High School Mini Fridge Yes
FXXEES2020001E54 Elkridge Elementary School room is cold No
FXHOHS2020001E53 Howard High School Yes
FXLEMS2020001E52 Lake Elkhorn Middle School Items & debris in sink Yes
FXLEMS2020001E51 Lake Elkhorn Middle School Debris in sink. Tile half way chipped. Yes
FXLEMS2020001E50 Lake Elkhorn Middle School Floors are dirty throughout the building. Yes
FXLEMS2020001E4F Lake Elkhorn Middle School Yes
FXLEMS2020001E4E Lake Elkhorn Middle School Yes
FXHOHS2020001E4D Howard High School Yes
FXHOHS2020001E4C Howard High School Mini Microwave Yes
FXHOHS2020001E4B Howard High School Yes
FXHOHS2020001E49 Howard High School Broken floor tile. No
FXHOHS2020001E47 Howard High School Yes
FXHOHS2020001E46 Howard High School Mini Fridge Yes
FXHOHS2020001E45 Howard High School Yes
FXHOHS2020001E44 Howard High School Yes
FXHOHS2020001E43 Howard High School Cobweb Yes
FXHOHS2020001E42 Howard High School Yes
FXHOHS2020001E41 Howard High School Yes
FXHOHS2020001E40 Howard High School Yes
FXHOHS2020001E3F Howard High School Disco ball hanging Yes