
A walkthrough is conducted any time personnel visit a school to conduct an assessment of the environment.

Tracking Number Facility Date
WXRBES20180000A2 Running Brook Elementary School
WXRBES20180000A1 Running Brook Elementary School
WXXGHS20180000A0 Glenelg High School
WXXGHS201800009F Glenelg High School
WXXGHS201800009E Glenelg High School
WXHOHS201800009D Howard High School
WXBPES201800009C Bushy Park Elementary School
WXHOHS201800009B Howard High School
WXCLES201800009A Centennial Lane Elementary School
WXRBES2018000099 Running Brook Elementary School
WXOMHS2018000098 Oakland Mills High School
WXCLES2018000097 Centennial Lane Elementary School
WXCLES2018000096 Centennial Lane Elementary School
WXHCMS2018000095 Harper’s Choice Middle School
WXHCMS2018000094 Harper’s Choice Middle School
WXRBES2018000093 Running Brook Elementary School
WXXIES2018000092 Ilchester Elementary School
WXBBES2018000091 Bollman Bridge Elementary School
WXBBES2018000090 Bollman Bridge Elementary School
WXLRHS201800008A Long Reach High School
WXXGHS2018000087 Glenelg High School
WXXGHS2018000086 Glenelg High School
WXXAES2018000085 Atholton Elementary School
WXHCMS2018000084 Harper’s Choice Middle School
WXMVMS2018000083 Mount View Middle School