
An finding is an individual nonconformity noticed during a walkthrough.

Tracking Number Facility Comments Closed Sort ascending
FXTHES2019000E10 Thunder Hill Elementary School Yes
FWATES20230021BC Waterloo Elementary School Water stained ceiling tile(s) and water stain in… Yes
FXBSES20240028FA Bellows Spring Elementary School Water stained ceiling tile. If not already being… Yes
FXXSES2019000E23 Swansfield Elementary School Returns and supply diffusers dirty Yes
FXLWES20230021CC Laurel Woods Elementary School Food readily accessible to pests and rodents.… Yes
FXXRES202400290B Rockburn Elementary School The return vent is blocked. It is recommended… Yes
FXXSES2019000E36 Swansfield Elementary School Yes
FXLWES20230021DC Laurel Woods Elementary School An aerosol air freshener was observed under the… Yes
FXCRES2019000E4C Cradlerock Elementary School Yes
FXXHES20230021EC Hammond Elementary School Pillows making up a reading area. If not… Yes
FXCRES2019000E67 Cradlerock Elementary School Yes
FXTSES20230021FC Talbott Springs Elementary School Food items readily acceptable to insects and… Yes
FXXARL202400293D Applications and Research Laboratory Water stained ceiling tile. If not already being… Yes
FXCRES2019000E78 Cradlerock Elementary School Yes
FXDRES202300220C Deep Run Elementary School Artificial plants easily collect dust (potential… Yes
FXXHMS202400294E Hammond Middle School Escutcheon plate is not on properly. If not… Yes
FXXGHS2019000E90 Glenelg High School cord is tripping hazard by teacher desk Yes
FXXFES202300221C Fulton Elementary School A desk lamp is directly in front of the room… Yes
FXXAHS202400295E Atholton High School Observed dead and live gnats along hallway. If… Yes
FXXFES202300222C Fulton Elementary School An aerosol disinfectant spray was observed.… Yes
FXHOHS202400296E Howard High School There is plant soil around the ventilation unit.… Yes
FXFRES202300223C Forest Ridge Elementary School Supply air diffusers have visible dust… Yes
FXMHHS202400297F Mount Hebron High School Drill press not secured. Yes
FXXAES202300224C Atholton Elementary School Yes
FXMHHS202400298F Mount Hebron High School Non-school issued flags and carpets were observed… Yes
FWATES2019000EF0 Waterloo Elementary School Yes
FXXRES202300225C Rockburn Elementary School A few shag rugs and/or carpet squares present.… Yes
FXWLHS202400299F Wilde Lake High School Water stained ceiling tiles. If not already… Yes
FWATES2019000F06 Waterloo Elementary School Return vents dirty Yes
FXSFES202300226C Stevens Forest Elementary School An HCPSS issued cleaning chemical in a properly… Yes
FXWLHS20240029B0 Wilde Lake High School Missing escutcheon plate. If not already being… Yes
FXHHES202300227C Hanover Hills Elementary School Food item(s) readily accessible to pests and… Yes
FXHOHS20240029C0 Howard High School Yes
FXGCES2019000F3B Gorman Crossing Elementary School Yes
FXHHES202300228C Hanover Hills Elementary School The room has a sizeable wall covering made up of… Yes
FXXCMS202300229C Clarksville Middle School Water stained ceiling tiles near supply air… Yes
FXXCMS20230022AC Clarksville Middle School Tops of hallway lockers have visible dust… Yes
FXXEES2019000F88 Elkridge Elementary School Yes
FXLKMS20230022BC Lime Kiln Middle School Water stained ceiling tile. If not already being… Yes
FXXCHS2024002A00 Centennial High School Fire extinguisher not signed off on within the… Yes
FXXEES2019000F9E Elkridge Elementary School Housekeeping poor Yes
FXLEMS20230022CC Lake Elkhorn Middle School Where the conduit is attached to the portable… Yes
FXXCHS2024002A10 Centennial High School A disinfectant spray was observed within… Yes
FXXEES2019000FB6 Elkridge Elementary School Yes
FXLKMS20230022DC Lime Kiln Middle School The louvers in the door were closed. This area is… Yes
FXXAHS2024002A20 Atholton High School Yes
FXXGES2019000FC9 Guilford Elementary School Supply diffusers dirty Yes
FXXCLS20230022EC Cedar Lane School Housekeeping may be able to be improved, i.e.… Yes
FXXCHS2024002A31 Centennial High School A microwave and a refrigerator were observed. If… Yes
FXXGES2019000FE2 Guilford Elementary School Yes