
An finding is an individual nonconformity noticed during a walkthrough.

Tracking Number Facility Comments Closed
FXXCHS2024002C36 Yes
FXXCHS2024002C35 Yes
FXXCHS2024002C34 Yes
FXHOHS2024002C33 Yes
FXSFES2024002C32 No
FXSFES2024002C31 No
FXSFES2024002C30 No
FXSFES2024002C2F No
FXXXCO2024002C2E Central Office Yes
FXXLES2024002C2D Lisbon Elementary School Yes
FXXLES2024002C2C Lisbon Elementary School Yes
FXMRHS2024002C2B Marriotts Ridge High School Yes
FXPRES2024002C2A Yes
FXMWES2024002C29 Manor Woods Elementary School Yes
FXXAES2024002C28 Atholton Elementary School Yes
FXXCMS2024002C27 Clarksville Middle School No
FWATES2024002C26 Waterloo Elementary School No
FXXAES2024002C25 Atholton Elementary School Yes
FXXAES2024002C24 Atholton Elementary School Yes
FXXAES2024002C23 Atholton Elementary School Yes
FXCLES2024002C22 Centennial Lane Elementary School No
FXCLES2024002C1D Yes
FXRHHS2024002C1C River Hill High School Missing lead signs on hand washing sink,… No
FXRHHS2024002C1B River Hill High School Science sink missing signage. No
FXRHHS2024002C1A River Hill High School The supply diffusers are visibly dirty and… Yes
FXRHHS2024002C19 River Hill High School A fridge and microwave were observed in the room… Yes
FXRHHS2024002C18 River Hill High School Water stained ceiling tile. If not already being… Yes
FXRHHS2024002C17 River Hill High School Missing lead signage. No
FXRHHS2024002C16 River Hill High School A non-issued water dispenser was observed. This… Yes
FXRHHS2024002C15 River Hill High School Staff is reminded to reinstall blade guard, knife… Yes
FXRHHS2024002C14 River Hill High School Missing lead signage on custodial sink. No
FXRHHS2024002C13 River Hill High School Water stained ceiling tile. If not already being… Yes
FXRHHS2024002C12 River Hill High School No
FXRHHS2024002C11 River Hill High School The return vent is visibly dirty and requires… Yes
FXRHHS2024002C10 River Hill High School Daylight at doors and stanchion. No
FXRHHS2024002C0F River Hill High School Change filter on spray paint booth. No
FXRHHS2024002C0E River Hill High School Hole in ceiling tile near entrance to 216A. Yes
FXRHHS2024002C0B River Hill High School Water stained ceiling tile. If not already being… Yes
FXRHHS2024002C0A River Hill High School Excessive decorative items make it difficult for… Yes
FXRHHS2024002C09 River Hill High School A water purifier is located on a non-consumption… Yes
FXRHHS2024002C08 River Hill High School Two stained ceiling tiles. If not already being… Yes
FXRHHS2024002C07 River Hill High School Water stained ceiling tile. If not already… Yes
FXXCMS2024002C06 Clarksville Middle School No
FXXCMS2024002C05 Clarksville Middle School No
FXMWES2024002C04 Manor Woods Elementary School Yes
FXCLES2024002C03 Centennial Lane Elementary School The weather stripping on the door frame was… No
FXCLES2024002C02 Centennial Lane Elementary School Carpet in room that appears to be non-school… Yes
FXCLES2024002C01 Centennial Lane Elementary School Fire extinguisher not signed off on within the… Yes
FXCLES2024002C00 Centennial Lane Elementary School Carpet in room that appears to be non-school… Yes
FXCLES2024002BFA Centennial Lane Elementary School Missing lead signage on exterior outlet. No