
An finding is an individual nonconformity noticed during a walkthrough.

Tracking Number Facility Comments Closed
FXXCHS2024002A1B Centennial High School Observed rodent droppings. Clean as necessary.… Yes
FXXCHS2024002A1A Centennial High School Artificial plants easily collect dust (potential… Yes
FXXCHS2024002A19 Centennial High School A coffee maker, lamps, electric kettle, and a… Yes
FXXCHS2024002A18 Centennial High School A box fan was observed. If not serving an… Yes
FXXCHS2024002A17 Centennial High School A microwave, three coffee makers, lamps, and a… Yes
FXXCHS2024002A16 Centennial High School Remind staff air fresheners, plug-ins, scent oil… Yes
FXXCHS2024002A15 Centennial High School A refrigerator was observed. If not serving an… Yes
FXXCHS2024002A14 Centennial High School A microwave and refrigerator were observed. If… Yes
FXXCHS2024002A13 Centennial High School Ceiling tile with penetration. Ceiling tile to be… Yes
FXXCHS2024002A12 Centennial High School A microwave and two refrigerators were observed.… Yes
FXXCHS2024002A11 Centennial High School Artificial plants easily collect dust (potential… Yes
FXXCHS2024002A10 Centennial High School A disinfectant spray was observed within… Yes
FXXCHS2024002A0F Centennial High School A microwave, coffee maker, lamps, and… Yes
FXXCHS2024002A0E Centennial High School Water stained ceiling tile. If not already being… Yes
FXXCHS2024002A0D Centennial High School Fire extinguisher not signed off on within the… Yes
FXXCHS2024002A0C Centennial High School Water stained ceiling tile. If not already being… Yes
FXXCHS2024002A0B Centennial High School Missing escutcheon plate. If not already being… Yes
FXXCHS2024002A0A Centennial High School Remind staff air fresheners, plug-ins, scent oil… Yes
FXXCHS2024002A09 Centennial High School A microwave and refrigerator were observed. If… Yes
FXXCHS2024002A07 Centennial High School Wall mounted unit was visibly dirty and require… No
FXXLES2024002A08 Lisbon Elementary School Damaged paint on various interior door frames.… No
FXXCHS2024002A06 Centennial High School The supply diffusers are visibly dirty and… Yes
FXXCHS2024002A05 Centennial High School Missing lead signage from seven outlets. Yes
FXXCHS2024002A04 Centennial High School Cover missing from light fixture. Cover to be… Yes
FXXCHS2024002A03 Centennial High School Light switch was damaged. Yes
FXXCHS2024002A02 Centennial High School Water stained ceiling tile. If not already being… Yes
FXXCHS2024002A01 Centennial High School Missing lead signage on the spigot behind washing… Yes
FXXCHS2024002A00 Centennial High School Fire extinguisher not signed off on within the… Yes
FXXCHS20240029FF Centennial High School A microwave, coffee maker, and refrigerator were… Yes
FXXCHS20240029FE Centennial High School Wall mounted unit was visibly dirty and require… No
FXXCHS20240029FD Centennial High School A microwave, coffee maker, and refrigerator were… Yes
FXXCHS20240029FC Centennial High School Water stained ceiling tile. If not already being… Yes
FXXCHS20240029FB Centennial High School A microwave was observed. If not serving an… Yes
FXXCHS20240029FA Centennial High School Water stained ceiling tile. If not already being… Yes
FXXCHS20240029F9 Centennial High School A refrigerator was observed. If not serving an… Yes
FXXGMS20240029F8 Glenwood Middle School Mortar coming off of brick below window. No
FXXLES20240029F7 Lisbon Elementary School Missing lead signage. No
FXXLES20240029F6 Lisbon Elementary School The return vent is blocked. It is recommended… Yes
FXXLES20240029F5 Lisbon Elementary School The return vent is visibly dirty and requires… Yes
FXXLES20240029F4 Lisbon Elementary School Exhaust vent partially clogged with dust. Vacuum… Yes
FXXLES20240029F3 Lisbon Elementary School Water stained ceiling tile. If not already being… Yes
FXXLES20240029F2 Lisbon Elementary School The return vent is visibly dirty and requires… Yes
FXXLES20240029F1 Lisbon Elementary School Re-adhere cove base at exterior door. Yes
FXXLES20240029F0 Lisbon Elementary School Missing lead signage in bathroom. No
FXXLES20240029EF Lisbon Elementary School Water stained ceiling tile. If not already being… Yes
FXXLES20240029EE Lisbon Elementary School The return vent is visibly dirty and requires… Yes
FXXLES20240029ED Lisbon Elementary School Exhaust vent partially clogged with dust. Vacuum… Yes
FXXLES20240029EC Lisbon Elementary School Exhaust vent partially clogged with dust. Vacuum… Yes
FXXLES20240029EB Lisbon Elementary School The return vent is visibly dirty and requires… Yes
FXXLES20240029EA Lisbon Elementary School Dishwashing hose and hand washing sink need lead… No