
A walkthrough is conducted any time personnel visit a school to conduct an assessment of the environment.

Tracking Number Facility Date
WXXGES2021000360 Guilford Elementary School
WXFQMS202100035F Folly Quarter Middle School
WXXCHS202100035E Centennial High School
WXXCES202100035D Clarksville Elementary School
WXXCES202100035C Clarksville Elementary School
WXXGES202100035B Guilford Elementary School
WXXGES202100035A Guilford Elementary School
WXTSES2021000359 Talbott Springs Elementary School
WXTSES2021000358 Talbott Springs Elementary School
WXBBMS2021000357 Bonnie Branch Middle School
WXXARL2021000356 Applications and Research Laboratory
WXXRES2021000355 Rockburn Elementary School
WXXXCO2021000354 Central Office
WXRHHS2021000353 River Hill High School
WXMHHS2021000352 Mount Hebron High School
WXCLES2021000351 Centennial Lane Elementary School
WXXGES2021000350 Guilford Elementary School
WXJHES202100034F Jeffers Hill Elementary School
WXJHES202100034E Jeffers Hill Elementary School
WXXNES202100034D Northfield Elementary School
WXXNES202100034C Northfield Elementary School
WXWLHS202100034B Wilde Lake High School
WXWLHS202100034A Wilde Lake High School
WXCRES2021000349 Cradlerock Elementary School
WXLEMS2021000348 Lake Elkhorn Middle School