
An finding is an individual nonconformity noticed during a walkthrough.

Tracking Number Facility Comments Closed
FXMRHS20240027E4 Marriotts Ridge High School Fire extinguisher not signed off within the last… Yes
FXMRHS20240027E3 Marriotts Ridge High School Water stained ceiling tile. If not already being… Yes
FXMRHS20240027E2 Marriotts Ridge High School Water stained ceiling tile. If not already being… Yes
FXMRHS20240027E1 Marriotts Ridge High School Water stained and missing ceiling tiles. If not… Yes
FXMRHS20240027E0 Marriotts Ridge High School Fire extinguisher not signed off within the last… Yes
FXMRHS20240027DF Marriotts Ridge High School Floor unit making excessive noise. Yes
FXMRHS20240027DE Marriotts Ridge High School A miniature refrigerator was observed. If not… Yes
FXMRHS20240027DD Marriotts Ridge High School Water stained ceiling tile. If not already being… Yes
FXMRHS20240027DC Marriotts Ridge High School Various appliances such as a kettle, coffee… Yes
FXMRHS20240027DB Marriotts Ridge High School A microwave was observed. If not serving an… Yes
FXMRHS20240027DA Marriotts Ridge High School Fire extinguisher not signed off within the last… Yes
FXMRHS20240027D8 Marriotts Ridge High School Fabric materials such as flags, and curtains were… Yes
FXMRHS20240027D7 Marriotts Ridge High School Water stained ceiling tile. If not already being… Yes
FXMRHS20240027D6 Marriotts Ridge High School Remind staff air fresheners, plug-ins, scent oil… Yes
FXMRHS20240027D5 Marriotts Ridge High School An aerosol disinfectant spray was observed within… Yes
FXMRHS20240027D4 Marriotts Ridge High School Water stained ceiling tiles. If not already… Yes
FXMRHS20240027D3 Marriotts Ridge High School An aerosol disinfectant spray was observed within… Yes
FXMRHS20240027D2 Marriotts Ridge High School Various appliances such as a kettle and coffee… Yes
FXMRHS20240027D1 Marriotts Ridge High School Missing non-Potable signage. Yes
FXMRHS20240027D0 Marriotts Ridge High School Fabric materials such as flags, pillows, quilts,… Yes
FXMRHS20240027CF Marriotts Ridge High School Various appliances such as a microwave, coffee… Yes
FXMRHS20240027CE Marriotts Ridge High School Remind staff air fresheners, plug-ins, scent oil… Yes
FXMRHS20240027CD Marriotts Ridge High School A surge protector was left across the floor… Yes
FXMRHS20240027CC Marriotts Ridge High School Dead bugs observed in light fixture and require… Yes
FXOMHS20240027CB Oakland Mills High School Yes
FXOMHS20240027CA Oakland Mills High School Yes
FXXDMS20240027C9 Dunloggin Middle School Yes
FXXDMS20240027C8 Dunloggin Middle School Yes
FXXDMS20240027C7 Dunloggin Middle School Yes
FXXDMS20240027C6 Dunloggin Middle School Yes
FXXDMS20240027C5 Dunloggin Middle School Yes
FXXDMS20240027C4 Dunloggin Middle School Yes
FXXDMS20240027C3 Dunloggin Middle School Yes
FXXDMS20240027C1 Dunloggin Middle School Yes
FXOMHS20240027C0 Oakland Mills High School Yes
FXOMHS20240027BF Oakland Mills High School Yes
FXOMHS20240027BE Oakland Mills High School Yes
FXXAHS20240027BD Atholton High School Yes
FXOMHS20240027BC Oakland Mills High School Yes
FXFQMS20240027BB Folly Quarter Middle School No
FXFQMS20240027BA Folly Quarter Middle School Yes
FXRHHS20240027B9 River Hill High School Yes
FSJLES20240027B8 St. John’s Lane Elementary School A refrigerator and heater were observed. If not… Yes
FSJLES20240027B7 St. John’s Lane Elementary School Thermostat fan mode was set to "on" Yes
FWAVES20240027B6 Waverly Elementary School Yes
FSJLES20240027B5 St. John’s Lane Elementary School A refrigerator and microwave were observed. If… Yes
FSJLES20240027B4 St. John’s Lane Elementary School Electrical cords should be secured to prevent… Yes
FSJLES20240027B3 St. John’s Lane Elementary School Missing escutcheon plate. If not already being… Yes
FSJLES20240027B2 St. John’s Lane Elementary School A refrigerator and microwave were observed. If… Yes
FSJLES20240027B1 St. John’s Lane Elementary School Missing ceiling tile. Ceiling tile to be replaced… Yes