
An finding is an individual nonconformity noticed during a walkthrough.

Tracking Number Facility Comments Closed
FXBMMS2021001F4B Burleigh Manor Middle School Yes
FXBMMS2021001F4A Burleigh Manor Middle School Yes
FXRHHS2021001F49 River Hill High School Yes
FXMVMS2021001F48 Mount View Middle School Yes
FXXVES2021001F47 Veterans Elementary School Yes
FXXXCO2021001F46 Central Office Yes
FXHAHS2021001F45 Hammond High School Yes
FXHOHS2021001F44 Howard High School Yes
FXHOHS2021001F43 Howard High School Yes
FXHOHS2021001F42 Howard High School Yes
FXHCMS2021001F41 Harper’s Choice Middle School Yes
FXBBES2021001F40 Bollman Bridge Elementary School Yes
FXHSES2021001F3F Hollifield Station Elementary School Yes
FXOMHS2021001F3E Oakland Mills High School Yes
FXOMHS2021001F3D Oakland Mills High School Yes
FXXGES2021001F3C Guilford Elementary School Yes
FXXGES2021001F3B Guilford Elementary School Yes
FXOMHS2021001F3A Oakland Mills High School Yes
FXXAES2021001F39 Atholton Elementary School Yes
FXXAES2021001F38 Atholton Elementary School Yes
FXXAES2021001F37 Atholton Elementary School Yes
FXMHHS2021001F36 Mount Hebron High School Yes
FXMHHS2021001F35 Mount Hebron High School Yes
FXDOES2021001F34 Dayton Oaks Elementary School Yes
FXOMHS2021001F33 Oakland Mills High School Yes
FXWLHS2021001F32 Wilde Lake High School Yes
FXEMMS2021001F31 Ellicott Mills Middle School Yes
FXWLMS2021001F30 Wilde Lake Middle School Yes
FXMVMS2021001F2F Mount View Middle School Yes
FXPRES2021001F2E Pointers Run Elementary School Yes
FXMHHS2021001F2D Mount Hebron High School Yes
FXXXCO2021001F2C Central Office Yes
FXXXCO2021001F2B Central Office Yes
FXXXCO2021001F2A Central Office Yes
FXXXCO2021001F29 Central Office Yes
FXCRES2021001F28 Cradlerock Elementary School Yes
FXXNES2021001F27 Northfield Elementary School Yes
FXOMHS2021001F26 Oakland Mills High School Yes
FXMHHS2021001F25 Mount Hebron High School Yes
FXCLES2021001F24 Centennial Lane Elementary School Yes
FXMWES2021001F23 Manor Woods Elementary School Yes
FXXARL2021001F22 Applications and Research Laboratory Yes
FXXARL2021001F21 Applications and Research Laboratory Yes
FXFQMS2021001F20 Folly Quarter Middle School Yes
FXXCHS2021001F1F Centennial High School Yes
FXXCES2021001F1E Clarksville Elementary School Yes
FXXCES2021001F1D Clarksville Elementary School Yes
FXXGES2021001F1C Guilford Elementary School Yes
FXTSES2021001F1A Talbott Springs Elementary School Yes
FXTSES2021001F19 Talbott Springs Elementary School Yes