
A walkthrough is conducted any time personnel visit a school to conduct an assessment of the environment.

Tracking Number Facility Date
WXTRES20200002E3 Triadelphia Ridge Elementary School
WXRHHS20200002DF River Hill High School
WXRHHS20200002DE River Hill High School
WXXAES20200002DD Atholton Elementary School
WXPLES20200002D5 Phelps Luck Elementary School
WXXIES20200002D3 Ilchester Elementary School
WXJHES20200002D2 Jeffers Hill Elementary School
WWAVES20200002CF Waverly Elementary School
WXLOES20200002CD Longfellow Elementary School
WXXCMS20200002CA Clarksville Middle School
WXRBES20200002C6 Running Brook Elementary School
WXXHES20200002C3 Hammond Elementary School
WXCRES20200002C2 Cradlerock Elementary School
WXFRES20200002C0 Forest Ridge Elementary School
WXWFES20200002BE West Friendship Elementary School
WXPLES20200002BD Phelps Luck Elementary School
WXLKMS20200002B9 Lime Kiln Middle School
WXMRHS20200002B8 Marriotts Ridge High School
WXXCHS20200002B4 Centennial High School
WXOMMS20200002B3 Oakland Mills Middle School
WXOMHS20200002AC Oakland Mills High School
WXHSES20200002AB Hollifield Station Elementary School
WXXDMS20200002A5 Dunloggin Middle School
WXLKMS20190002A3 Lime Kiln Middle School
WXXOCL20200002A2 Old Cedar Lane