
A walkthrough is conducted any time personnel visit a school to conduct an assessment of the environment.

Tracking Number Facility Date
WXRHHS202000032E River Hill High School
WXBWES202000032D Bryant Woods Elementary School
WXBWES202000032C Bryant Woods Elementary School
WXWFES202000032B West Friendship Elementary School
WXFRES202000032A Forest Ridge Elementary School
WXLRHS2020000329 Long Reach High School
WXLRHS2020000328 Long Reach High School
WXMHHS2020000327 Mount Hebron High School
WXMHHS2020000326 Mount Hebron High School
WXXAHS2020000325 Atholton High School
WXXNES2020000324 Northfield Elementary School
WXXNES2020000323 Northfield Elementary School
WXXNES2020000322 Northfield Elementary School
WXFRES2020000321 Forest Ridge Elementary School
WXEMMS2020000320 Ellicott Mills Middle School
WXXVES202000031F Veterans Elementary School
WXHOHS202000031E Howard High School
WXHOHS202000031D Howard High School
WXXNES202000031C Northfield Elementary School
WXXVES202000031B Veterans Elementary School
WXXSES202000031A Swansfield Elementary School
WXXSES2020000319 Swansfield Elementary School
WXTSES2020000318 Talbott Springs Elementary School
WXTSES2020000317 Talbott Springs Elementary School
WXHOHS2020000316 Howard High School