
An finding is an individual nonconformity noticed during a walkthrough.

Tracking Number Facility Comments Closed
FXXGES2019000FE0 Guilford Elementary School Supply diffusers dirty Yes
FXXGES2019000FDF Guilford Elementary School Yes
FXXGES2019000FDE Guilford Elementary School Yes
FXXGES2019000FDD Guilford Elementary School Yes
FXXGES2019000FDC Guilford Elementary School Yes
FXXGES2019000FDA Guilford Elementary School Supply diffusers dusty Yes
FXXGES2019000FD7 Guilford Elementary School Bathroom exhaust not working No
FXXGES2019000FD6 Guilford Elementary School Yes
FXXGES2019000FD4 Guilford Elementary School Bathroom exhaust not working No
FXXGES2019000FD3 Guilford Elementary School Yes
FXXGES2019000FD1 Guilford Elementary School Returns dirty Yes
FXXGES2019000FCF Guilford Elementary School Returns in kitchen and kitchen storage dusty Yes
FXXGES2019000FCD Guilford Elementary School Supply diffusers dirty Yes
FXXGES2019000FCC Guilford Elementary School Yes
FXXGES2019000FCA Guilford Elementary School Yes
FXXGES2019000FC9 Guilford Elementary School Supply diffusers dirty Yes
FXXGES2019000FC7 Guilford Elementary School Return dusty Yes
FXXHES2019000FC6 Hammond Elementary School Yes
FXLOES2019000FC5 Longfellow Elementary School Yes
FXLOES2019000FC4 Longfellow Elementary School Yes
FXXEES2019000FC3 Elkridge Elementary School Exterior damage around portable Yes
FXXEES2019000FC1 Elkridge Elementary School Rust on wall panel Yes
FXXEES2019000FC0 Elkridge Elementary School Yes
FXXEES2019000FBF Elkridge Elementary School Yes
FXXEES2019000FBD Elkridge Elementary School Yes
FXXEES2019000FBC Elkridge Elementary School Yes
FXXEES2019000FBB Elkridge Elementary School Yes
FXXEES2019000FBA Elkridge Elementary School Yes
FXXEES2019000FB9 Elkridge Elementary School Yes
FXXEES2019000FB8 Elkridge Elementary School Yes
FXXEES2019000FB7 Elkridge Elementary School Yes
FXXEES2019000FB6 Elkridge Elementary School Yes
FXXEES2019000FB4 Elkridge Elementary School Water stained light Yes
FXXEES2019000FB3 Elkridge Elementary School Yes
FXXEES2019000FB0 Elkridge Elementary School Yes
FXXEES2019000FAF Elkridge Elementary School Yes
FXXEES2019000FAE Elkridge Elementary School Yes
FXXEES2019000FAD Elkridge Elementary School Yes
FXXEES2019000FAA Elkridge Elementary School Yes
FXXEES2019000FA9 Elkridge Elementary School Returns Dirty Yes
FXXEES2019000FA7 Elkridge Elementary School Supply diffusers dirty Yes
FXXEES2019000FA6 Elkridge Elementary School Yes
FXXEES2019000FA5 Elkridge Elementary School Yes
FXXEES2019000FA4 Elkridge Elementary School Yes
FXXEES2019000FA3 Elkridge Elementary School Yes
FXXEES2019000FA2 Elkridge Elementary School Yes
FXXEES2019000FA0 Elkridge Elementary School Microwave Yes
FXXEES2019000F9E Elkridge Elementary School Housekeeping poor Yes
FXXEES2019000F9B Elkridge Elementary School Faucet dripping Yes
FXXEES2019000F9A Elkridge Elementary School Return and pipe insulation very dusty Yes