
An finding is an individual nonconformity noticed during a walkthrough.

Tracking Number Facility Comments Closed
FXXGHS2020001CD9 Glenelg High School Yes
FXXGHS2020001CD8 Glenelg High School Yes
FXXGHS2020001CD6 Glenelg High School Too hot No
FXXGHS2020001CD3 Glenelg High School Teacher is responsible for cleaning her flags,… Yes
FXXGHS2020001CD2 Glenelg High School Microwave Yes
FXXGHS2020001CD0 Glenelg High School Very hot and uncomfortable No
FXXGHS2020001CCE Glenelg High School A lot of Cobwebs by the window sill Yes
FXXGHS2020001CCD Glenelg High School Yes
FXXGHS2020001CCC Glenelg High School Yes
FXXGHS2020001CC9 Glenelg High School Broken tiles in ceiling and some cracked paint at… Yes
FXXGHS2020001CC8 Glenelg High School Toaster and microwave Yes
FXXGHS2020001CC7 Glenelg High School No
FXXGHS2020001CC6 Glenelg High School Yes
FXXGHS2020001CC5 Glenelg High School Yes
FXXGHS2020001CC2 Glenelg High School No
FXXGHS2020001CC0 Glenelg High School Seal within double pain failing No
FXXGHS2020001CBF Glenelg High School Paint cracks above the blackboard and some mild… No
FXXGHS2020001CBE Glenelg High School Tiles above and near stairs appear discolored Yes
FXXGHS2020001CBD Glenelg High School Multiple computer wires coming down from back… Yes
FXXGHS2020001CBB Glenelg High School Freezer condensing. Place work order to it to be… Yes
FXXGHS2020001CB9 Glenelg High School Rust on carpet to left No
FXXGHS2020001CB6 Glenelg High School Yes
FXXGHS2020001CB5 Glenelg High School Yes
FXXGHS2020001CB4 Glenelg High School Plumbing should assess copper piping behind… No
FXXGHS2020001CB3 Glenelg High School Two coffee machines and 2 microwave and large… Yes
FXXGHS2020001CB2 Glenelg High School Yes
FXXGHS2020001CB1 Glenelg High School Left corner by the light has a rubber or wire… Yes
FXXGHS2020001CB0 Glenelg High School Both windows have condensation between the panes No
FXXGHS2020001CAF Glenelg High School There's a few broken tiles Yes
FXXGHS2020001CAE Glenelg High School Projector cords exposed in the center of the room Yes
FXXGHS2020001CAD Glenelg High School Shade to the right is broken No
FXXGHS2020001CAC Glenelg High School Window on right has a condensation between the… No
FXXGHS2020001CAA Glenelg High School Back corner of the room has a computer cord… Yes
FXXGHS2020001CA8 Glenelg High School Rust on door hinge No
FXXGHS2020001CA7 Glenelg High School Yes
FXXGHS2020001CA5 Glenelg High School Yes
FXXGHS2020001CA4 Glenelg High School Yes
FXXGHS2020001CA3 Glenelg High School Tower above TV discolored and to the right the… Yes
FXXGHS2020001CA2 Glenelg High School No
FXXGHS2020001CA1 Glenelg High School Tile to left of window discolored Yes
FXXGHS2020001CA0 Glenelg High School Paint abov chalkboard on left cracked No
FXXGHS2020001C9F Glenelg High School Yes
FXXGHS2020001C9D Glenelg High School No
FXXGHS2020001C9C Glenelg High School No
FXXGHS2020001C9B Glenelg High School Cracks above both chalkboard
FXXGHS2020001C99 Glenelg High School Paint flaking No
FXXGHS2020001C98 Glenelg High School Yes
FXXGHS2020001C97 Glenelg High School Yes
FXXAES2020001C96 Atholton Elementary School Yes
FXXAES2020001C95 Atholton Elementary School Air bypassing filters. No