
An finding is an individual nonconformity noticed during a walkthrough.

Tracking Number Facility Comments Closed
FXXHMS20230022D1 Hammond Middle School The solid ceiling in back right area of the… Yes
FXXHMS20230022D0 Hammond Middle School The tops of the lockers have visible dust… Yes
FXXHMS20230022CF Hammond Middle School Several water stained ceiling tiles. If not… Yes
FXXHMS20230022CE Hammond Middle School Water stained ceiling tile near sink and urinal… Yes
FXLEMS20230022CD Lake Elkhorn Middle School The door with the wooden steps has rust forming… Yes
FXLEMS20230022CC Lake Elkhorn Middle School Where the conduit is attached to the portable… Yes
FXLEMS20230022CB Lake Elkhorn Middle School Three chemical products readily accessible to… Yes
FXLEMS20230022CA Lake Elkhorn Middle School A one-gallon ready to use insecticide product… Yes
FXLEMS20230022C9 Lake Elkhorn Middle School There appears to be clutter and/or items… Yes
FXLEMS20230022C8 Lake Elkhorn Middle School The top of the cabinet piece sitting on the… Yes
FXLEMS20230022C7 Lake Elkhorn Middle School The horizontal flat of each compartment within… Yes
FXLEMS20230022C6 Lake Elkhorn Middle School The perforated ceiling air return grille is… Yes
FXLEMS20230022C5 Lake Elkhorn Middle School The air supply diffusers had visible dust… Yes
FXLEMS20230022C4 Lake Elkhorn Middle School Perforated ceiling return grilles are obstructed… Yes
FXLKMS20230022C3 Lime Kiln Middle School Water stained ceiling tile. If not already being… Yes
FXLKMS20230022C2 Lime Kiln Middle School Water stained ceiling tiles. If not already… Yes
FXLKMS20230022C1 Lime Kiln Middle School Water stained ceiling tiles. If not already being… Yes
FXLKMS20230022C0 Lime Kiln Middle School Water stained ceiling tiles. If not already… Yes
FXLKMS20230022BF Lime Kiln Middle School Water staining was observed on the window sill. Yes
FXLKMS20230022BE Lime Kiln Middle School One supply diffuser in each room is rusted and… Yes
FXLKMS20230022BD Lime Kiln Middle School Boxes stored on eyewash impeding quick access.… Yes
FXLKMS20230022BC Lime Kiln Middle School Water stained ceiling tile. If not already being… Yes
FXLKMS20230022BB Lime Kiln Middle School A microwave was observed. If not serving an… Yes
FXLKMS20230022BA Lime Kiln Middle School Water stained ceiling tile. If not already being… Yes
FXLKMS20230022B9 Lime Kiln Middle School A refrigerator and microwave were observed. If… Yes
FXLEMS20230022B7 Lake Elkhorn Middle School Several water stained ceiling tiles (also one in… Yes
FXLKMS20230022B8 Lime Kiln Middle School Very strong air freshener odor within… Yes
FXLEMS20230022B6 Lake Elkhorn Middle School Water stained ceiling tile. If not already being… Yes
FXLEMS20230022B5 Lake Elkhorn Middle School The tops of the lockers have moderate to heavy… Yes
FXLEMS20230022B4 Lake Elkhorn Middle School A slight odor related to dried out floor drain… Yes
FXLEMS20230022B3 Lake Elkhorn Middle School The sink has a steady leak. Yes
FXXRES20230022B2 Rockburn Elementary School Yes
FXXRES20230022B1 Rockburn Elementary School Yes
FXXCMS20230022B0 Clarksville Middle School An unlabeled spray bottle with a clear liquid on… Yes
FXXCMS20230022AF Clarksville Middle School Cob webbing along ceiling level of window and TV… Yes
FXXCMS20230022AE Clarksville Middle School Cob webbing existing in various locations at… Yes
FXXCMS20230022AD Clarksville Middle School Upon entering the room, the inspector detected an… Yes
FXXCMS20230022AC Clarksville Middle School Tops of hallway lockers have visible dust… Yes
FXXCMS20230022AB Clarksville Middle School Water stained ceiling tile near a supply diffuser… Yes
FXXCMS20230022AA Clarksville Middle School Lower portion of book case has visible dust… Yes
FXXCMS20230022A9 Clarksville Middle School Cob webbing present on ceilings of restrooms.… Yes
FXXCMS20230022A8 Clarksville Middle School The perforated return air grille located within… Yes
FXXCMS20230022A7 Clarksville Middle School Properly labeled spray bottles containing… Yes
FXXCMS20230022A6 Clarksville Middle School The spotty areas of exposed horizontal surfaces (… Yes
FXXCMS20230022A5 Clarksville Middle School Tops of lockers have visible dust accumulation (… Yes
FXXCMS20230022A4 Clarksville Middle School The perforated return air grille located within… Yes
FXXCMS20230022A3 Clarksville Middle School Visible particulate buildup on ceiling return/… Yes
FXXCMS20230022A2 Clarksville Middle School Visible particulate buildup on ceiling return/… Yes
FXMWMS20230022A1 Mayfield Woods Middle School Yes
FXMWMS20230022A0 Mayfield Woods Middle School Yes