
An finding is an individual nonconformity noticed during a walkthrough.

Tracking Number Facility Comments Closed
FXMHHS201900154B Mount Hebron High School No
FXMHHS201900154A Mount Hebron High School Yes
FXMHHS2019001548 Mount Hebron High School Broken, stained and not in place a few of each.… Yes
FXMHHS2019001547 Mount Hebron High School Hot and humid No
FXMHHS2019001546 Mount Hebron High School Yes
FXMHHS2019001545 Mount Hebron High School Past pest issue however existing traps non… No
FXMHHS2019001543 Mount Hebron High School Cascade air fan/filter Yes
FXMHHS2019001542 Mount Hebron High School Several plants and some may not have secondary… Yes
FXMHHS2019001541 Mount Hebron High School No fecal matter but trap present No
FXMHHS2019001540 Mount Hebron High School Cmu wall under window of right patient room No
FXMHHS201900153F Mount Hebron High School Signs of previous infestation however traps are… No
FXMHHS201900153E Mount Hebron High School No
FXMHHS201900153D Mount Hebron High School Occupant reports history of temperature issues in… No
FXMHHS201900153B Mount Hebron High School No fecal matter but found trap No
FXMHHS201900153A Mount Hebron High School Yes
FXMHHS2019001539 Mount Hebron High School Yes
FXMHHS2019001538 Mount Hebron High School Yes
FXMHHS2019001537 Mount Hebron High School Ceiling tile ajar Yes
FXMHHS2019001536 Mount Hebron High School Yes
FXMHHS2019001535 Mount Hebron High School Yes
FXMHHS2019001534 Mount Hebron High School Office occupant does not report pest issue… No
FXMHHS2019001531 Mount Hebron High School Yes
FXMHHS2019001530 Mount Hebron High School Yes
FXMHHS201900152F Mount Hebron High School Severe water damage around all Windows. See… No
FXMHHS201900152E Mount Hebron High School No
FXMHHS201900152C Mount Hebron High School Yes
FXMHHS201900152B Mount Hebron High School Couple of Stains Yes
FXMHHS2019001529 Mount Hebron High School Weird wall stain Yes
FXMHHS2019001525 Mount Hebron High School Wall stain Yes
FXMHHS2019001524 Mount Hebron High School Chronic water leaking Windows - evident by rust… No
FXMHHS2019001523 Mount Hebron High School Wall unit grime Yes
FXMHHS2019001521 Mount Hebron High School Weird wall stain Yes
FXMHHS2019001520 Mount Hebron High School Possible start of leak Yes
FXMHHS201900151F Mount Hebron High School Walls have large cracks and structural damage No
FXMHHS201900151D Mount Hebron High School Yes
FXMHHS201900151C Mount Hebron High School Stain Yes
FXMHHS201900151B Mount Hebron High School Multiple water damaged ceiling tiles, water… Yes
FXMHHS2019001519 Mount Hebron High School Pesticide sprays not allowed Yes
FXMHHS2019001518 Mount Hebron High School Yes
FXMHHS2019001517 Mount Hebron High School Yes
FXMHHS2019001515 Mount Hebron High School Hot No
FXMHHS2019001514 Mount Hebron High School Stained tiles - chronic Yes
FXMHHS2019001513 Mount Hebron High School Wall unit grime and feels too cool Yes
FXMHHS2019001512 Mount Hebron High School Yes
FXMHHS2019001511 Mount Hebron High School Dirt streaks on drywall ceiling surrounding… Yes
FXMHHS2019001510 Mount Hebron High School Drywall ceiling paint and tape peeling in last… No
FXMHHS201900150F Mount Hebron High School Yes
FXMHHS201900150E Mount Hebron High School Under sink Yes
FXMHHS201900150D Mount Hebron High School Fume hood lower corners not closing No
FXMHHS201900150B Mount Hebron High School Wall unit has grime mildew Yes