Finding: Wilde Lake High School: Rouse Theater, Mini-Theater, and Stagecraft Area (FXWLHS201800003B)

Finding Type
Visible mold on surfaces due to elevated relative humidity/dew point

Surfaces and materials in impacted rooms were HEPA vacuumed and/or disinfected in the mini-theater, Rouse Theater (including catwalk area), stagecraft area, and hallway leading from loading area to the Rouse Theater.

A Board approved restoration company performed the cleaning and disinfection.

A Board approved IEQ consultant was hired to provide daily oversight and clear the project.

The entire project was completed September 10, 2018.

Once completed, Building Services and the Office of Environment have been monitoring areas using data loggers recording relative humidity and temperature along with weekly inspection of surfaces. No additional concerns have been identified to date.

Rouse Theater, Mini-Theater, and Stagecraft Area
Tracking Number
Assigned To
Environmental Services
Completion Date