Walkthrough: Oakland Mills High School: October 30th, 2023 (WXOMHS20230004CC)


Tracking Number Comments Location Assigned To Closed
General Cleanliness/Dust
Rooms 108, 103, 106, 801, 210, 805, 270, Media Lab, 308, 701 and 606 Environmental Services Yes
General Cleanliness/Dust
Rooms 108, 103, 106, 801, 210, 805, 270, Media Lab, 308, 701 and 606 Custodial Services Yes
Non-issued disinfectants/aerosol sprays
Rooms 108, 103, 106, 801, 210, 805, 270, Media Lab, 308, 701 and 606 Administration Yes
Miscellaneous finding
Rooms 108, 103, 106, 801, 210, 805, 270, Media Lab, 308, 701 and 606 Administration Yes
Door and window caulking and weather stripping
Rooms 108, 103, 106, 801, 210, 805, 270, Media Lab, 308, 701 and 606 Building Services Yes