
An finding is an individual nonconformity noticed during a walkthrough.

Tracking Number Facility Comments Closed
FXLWES20230021C8 Laurel Woods Elementary School Food readily accessible to pests and rodents.… Yes
FXLWES20230021C7 Laurel Woods Elementary School Food readily accessible to pests and rodents.… Yes
FWATES20230021C6 Waterloo Elementary School The aroma of air freshener(s) was detected out in… Yes
FWATES20230021C5 Waterloo Elementary School An throw shag rug was present. The inspector… Yes
FWATES20230021C4 Waterloo Elementary School The thermostat's tamper resistant cover… Yes
FWATES20230021C3 Waterloo Elementary School Partial obstruction of a wall air return grille… Yes
FWATES20230021C2 Waterloo Elementary School Partial and/or potential (if cart was completely… Yes
FWATES20230021C1 Waterloo Elementary School Food items were readily accessible to pests and… Yes
FWATES20230021C0 Waterloo Elementary School A significant amount of food was readily… Yes
FWATES20230021BF Waterloo Elementary School Food (cereal pack) and food related school… Yes
FWATES20230021BE Waterloo Elementary School Water stained ceiling tile(s). If not already… Yes
FWATES20230021BD Waterloo Elementary School Water stained ceiling tile(s) near sprinkler head… Yes
FWATES20230021BC Waterloo Elementary School Water stained ceiling tile(s) and water stain in… Yes
FWATES20230021BB Waterloo Elementary School Water stained ceiling tile(s). If not already… Yes
FWATES20230021BA Waterloo Elementary School Water stained ceiling tile(s). If not already… Yes
FWATES20230021B9 Waterloo Elementary School A gap exists around the electrical conduit… Yes
FWATES20230021B8 Waterloo Elementary School The supply air diffusers had a significant amount… Yes
FXXAES20230021B7 Atholton Elementary School Yes
FXXPMS20230021B5 Patapsco Middle School Fabric materials (curtains and pillows) present… Yes
FXCCES20230021B6 Clemens Crossing Elementary School Several stuffed animals observed in milk-crates… Yes
FXCCES20230021B3 Clemens Crossing Elementary School Numerous stuffed animals present. If not properly… Yes
FXXPMS20230021B4 Patapsco Middle School Stuffed animals present that appear non-school… Yes
FXCCES20230021B2 Clemens Crossing Elementary School Several stuffed animals present. If not properly… Yes
FXXPMS20230021B1 Patapsco Middle School Curtains were present that appear non-school… Yes
FXXPMS20230021B0 Patapsco Middle School Fabric materials are present that appear non-… Yes
FXXPMS20230021AF Patapsco Middle School A refrigerator and coffee maker were observed. If… Yes
FXCCES20230021AD Clemens Crossing Elementary School A fabric floor seat cushion and several stuffed… Yes
FXCCES20230021AC Clemens Crossing Elementary School Four fabric arm chair pillows were present. If… Yes
FXCCES20230021AB Clemens Crossing Elementary School Non-HCPSS issued furniture present. A white… Yes
FXCCES20230021AA Clemens Crossing Elementary School Non-HCPSS cleaning chemicals present (one within… Yes
FXCCES20230021A9 Clemens Crossing Elementary School Aerosol disinfectants present within cabinets.… Yes
FXXPMS20230021AE Patapsco Middle School :Strong scent in room with at least two candles… Yes
FXXPMS20230021A8 Patapsco Middle School Artificial plants easily collect dust (potential… Yes
FXXPMS20230021A7 Patapsco Middle School Artificial plants easily collect dust (potential… Yes
FXXPMS20230021A6 Patapsco Middle School Daylight at the exterior double doors. The doors… Yes
FXXPMS20230021A5 Patapsco Middle School Minor tears in fiberglass duct insulation (in… Yes
FXXPMS20230021A4 Patapsco Middle School Water ponding on the floor, appears to be… Yes
FXCCES20230021A2 Clemens Crossing Elementary School Aerosol disinfectants and an unlabeled spray… Yes
FXXPMS20230021A3 Patapsco Middle School In general, moderate to heavy dust loading was… Yes
FXCCES20230021A1 Clemens Crossing Elementary School Aerosol disinfectants and non-HCPSS cleaning/… Yes
FXXPMS20230021A0 Patapsco Middle School The wall-mounted HVAC equipment is missing a… Yes
FXCCES202300219F Clemens Crossing Elementary School Water stained ceiling tile. If not already being… Yes
FXCCES202300219E Clemens Crossing Elementary School The brick wall has a void the was filled in by… Yes
FXCCES202300219D Clemens Crossing Elementary School Mineral salts (indicative of a leak) observed… Yes
FXCCES202300219C Clemens Crossing Elementary School The thermostat's anti-tampering cover was… Yes
FXCCES202300219B Clemens Crossing Elementary School Water stained ceiling tile. If not already being… Yes
FXCCES202300219A Clemens Crossing Elementary School Water stained ceiling tile. If not already being… Yes
FXCCES2023002199 Clemens Crossing Elementary School Water stained ceiling tiles. If not already… Yes
FXCCES2023002198 Clemens Crossing Elementary School Water stained ceiling tile near door to hallway… Yes
FSJLES2023002197 St. John’s Lane Elementary School Yes