
An finding is an individual nonconformity noticed during a walkthrough.

Tracking Number Facility Comments Closed
FXHOHS2019000A8E Howard High School Yes
FXHOHS2019000A8D Howard High School Yes
FXHOHS2019000A8C Howard High School Yes
FXHOHS2019000A8B Howard High School Yes
FXHOHS2019000A8A Howard High School Yes
FXHOHS2019000A89 Howard High School Yes
FXHOHS2019000A88 Howard High School Yes
FXHOHS2019000A87 Howard High School Yes
FXHOHS2019000A84 Howard High School Fridge & microwave Yes
FXHOHS2019000A83 Howard High School Yes
FXHOHS2019000A82 Howard High School Yes
FXHOHS2019000A81 Howard High School Yes
FXHOHS2019000A80 Howard High School Yes
FXHOHS2019000A7F Howard High School will change tile. Yes
FXHOHS2019000A7E Howard High School Yes
FXHOHS2019000A7D Howard High School Yes
FXHOHS2019000A7C Howard High School Yes
FXHOHS2019000A7B Howard High School No
FXHOHS2019000A7A Howard High School Yes
FXHOHS2019000A79 Howard High School Yes
FXHOHS2019000A78 Howard High School Yes
FXHOHS2019000A77 Howard High School Yes
FXHOHS2019000A76 Howard High School Yes
FXHOHS2019000A75 Howard High School Yes
FXHOHS2019000A73 Howard High School Yes
FXHOHS2019000A72 Howard High School custodial staff will change at HoHS Yes
FXHOHS2019000A71 Howard High School Yes
FXHOHS2019000A70 Howard High School Yes
FXHOHS2019000A6F Howard High School Yes
FXHOHS2019000A6E Howard High School Yes
FXHOHS2019000A6D Howard High School Yes
FXHOHS2019000A6B Howard High School Yes
FXHOHS2019000A6A Howard High School Yes
FXHOHS2019000A69 Howard High School Yes
FXHOHS2019000A68 Howard High School Yes
FXHOHS2019000A67 Howard High School Yes
FXHOHS2019000A66 Howard High School Yes
FXPLES2019000A65 Phelps Luck Elementary School Yes
FXPLES2019000A63 Phelps Luck Elementary School Light switch cover off wall in bathroom. Yes
FXPLES2019000A62 Phelps Luck Elementary School Yes
FXPLES2019000A60 Phelps Luck Elementary School Yes
FXPLES2019000A5E Phelps Luck Elementary School Stains on floor tiles under sink. If leak is… Yes
FXPLES2019000A5C Phelps Luck Elementary School Floor near desk is dusty. Yes
FXPLES2019000A5D Phelps Luck Elementary School Yes
FXPLES2019000A5B Phelps Luck Elementary School Yes
FXPLES2019000A59 Phelps Luck Elementary School Ceiling tile outside classroom in hall is stained. Yes
FXPLES2019000A58 Phelps Luck Elementary School Yes
FXPLES2019000A56 Phelps Luck Elementary School Wall paint is peeling over sink. No
FXPLES2019000A54 Phelps Luck Elementary School The exterior door has rust on the door frame.… Yes
FXPLES2019000A52 Phelps Luck Elementary School Yes