
An finding is an individual nonconformity noticed during a walkthrough.

Tracking Number Facility Sort ascending Comments Closed
FXWFES201900100A West Friendship Elementary School No
FXWFES2020001B13 West Friendship Elementary School Yes
FXWFES2020001B36 West Friendship Elementary School Stepping and cracking of mortar in area above door No
FXWFES2022002081 West Friendship Elementary School Yes
FXWFES2019001019 West Friendship Elementary School Missing small strip Yes
FXWFES2019001246 West Friendship Elementary School Yes
FXWFES2020001B1F West Friendship Elementary School Gap at bottom of main door Yes
FXWFES2019000FFB West Friendship Elementary School Back of class Yes
FXWFES20230024C1 West Friendship Elementary School Water stained ceiling tile near the return. If… Yes
FXWFES2020001B2A West Friendship Elementary School Minor stain around perimeter of hvac ceiling… Yes
FXWFES2021001F56 West Friendship Elementary School Yes
FXWFES201900100B West Friendship Elementary School Yes
FXWFES2020001B14 West Friendship Elementary School Several stains Yes
FXWFES2020001B37 West Friendship Elementary School Possible brick and mortar damage on outside… No
FXWFES2022002082 West Friendship Elementary School Yes
FWAVES2020001C35 Waverly Elementary School Outside of exit door hole in brick between two… Yes
FWAVES2019000A0B Waverly Elementary School Yes
FWAVES2020001C40 Waverly Elementary School Dirty desks Yes
FWAVES20240027F0 Waverly Elementary School Faucet was observed to have a slow drip. No
FWAVES2019000C89 Waverly Elementary School Small blue area rug (shag rug style) Yes
FWAVES2020001C2B Waverly Elementary School Sink dirty Yes
FWAVES20220020E3 Waverly Elementary School On the end of the portable wing (back with long… Yes
FWAVES2019000C94 Waverly Elementary School Stuffed animals Yes
FWAVES2020001C36 Waverly Elementary School Yes
FWAVES2019000C7F Waverly Elementary School Folding Chair Yes
FWAVES2020001C41 Waverly Elementary School Dirty desks Yes
FWAVES2019000C8A Waverly Elementary School Stuffed animals (hanging off cabinets) Yes
FWAVES2020001C2C Waverly Elementary School Yes
FWAVES20220020E4 Waverly Elementary School The ceiling HVAC cassette has grime on components. Yes
FWAVES2019000C95 Waverly Elementary School Media storage - items stored less than 18 inches… Yes
FWAVES2020001C37 Waverly Elementary School Crack on cinder block wall. Yes
FWAVES2019000C80 Waverly Elementary School Lamp in the hallway Yes
FWAVES2018000024 Waverly Elementary School Yes
FWAVES2020001C42 Waverly Elementary School Dirty desks Yes
FWAVES2019000C8B Waverly Elementary School 4 plants need tray underneath (1 by window, 3 up… Yes
FWAVES2020001C2D Waverly Elementary School Looks like secondary plant containers splitting… Yes
FWAVES20220020E5 Waverly Elementary School The metal HVAC transfer grille above gym storage… Yes
FWAVES2019000C96 Waverly Elementary School Ceiling tile missing Yes
FWAVES2020001C38 Waverly Elementary School Dirty desks Yes
FWAVES20240027E8 Waverly Elementary School No lead signage for non-potable classroom sinks. No
FWAVES2019000C81 Waverly Elementary School Top of the cabinets need to be cleared Yes
FWAVES2019000C8C Waverly Elementary School Vase with flowers needs tray Yes
FWAVES2020001C2E Waverly Elementary School Chair on rollers casters Yes
FWAVES20220020E6 Waverly Elementary School Unlabeled spray bottle with liquid readily… Yes
FWAVES2019000C97 Waverly Elementary School Puppets Yes
FWAVES2020001C39 Waverly Elementary School Dirty desks Yes
FWAVES20240027E9 Waverly Elementary School A box fan, microwave, and miniature refrigerator… Yes
FWAVES2019000C82 Waverly Elementary School Yes
FWAVES2019000C8D Waverly Elementary School Upholstered chair - OK? Like those in Media Center Yes
FWAVES2020001C2F Waverly Elementary School Bouquet of fake flower pens Yes