
An finding is an individual nonconformity noticed during a walkthrough.

Tracking Number Facility Comments Closed
FXLKMS2020001AD2 Lime Kiln Middle School Yes
FXLKMS2020001AD0 Lime Kiln Middle School Microwave and fridge in office. Yes
FXMRHS2020001ACF Marriotts Ridge High School Yes
FXLKMS2020001ACD Lime Kiln Middle School Papers and stuff all over the floor. Yes
FXMRHS2020001ACC Marriotts Ridge High School Yes
FXMRHS2020001ACA Marriotts Ridge High School Yes
FXMRHS2020001AC9 Marriotts Ridge High School Yes
FXLKMS2020001AC8 Lime Kiln Middle School Trash cans not emptied. Clothes in a pile on the… Yes
FXMRHS2020001AC7 Marriotts Ridge High School Yes
FXMRHS2020001AC6 Marriotts Ridge High School Yes
FXMRHS2020001AC4 Marriotts Ridge High School Yes
FXMRHS2020001AC2 Marriotts Ridge High School Yes
FXMRHS2020001AC0 Marriotts Ridge High School Paper boxes tipping as you enter door, paper… Yes
FXLKMS2020001ABE Lime Kiln Middle School Paper hanging from ceiling. Yes
FXLKMS2020001ABD Lime Kiln Middle School Tiles are stained around stove. Floor appeared to… Yes
FXLKMS2020001ABC Lime Kiln Middle School Yes
FXLKMS2020001ABB Lime Kiln Middle School Floor dirty. Tile stained. Yes
FXMRHS2020001ABA Marriotts Ridge High School Yes
FXMRHS2020001AB9 Marriotts Ridge High School Yes
FXMRHS2020001AB8 Marriotts Ridge High School Yes
FXMRHS2020001AB7 Marriotts Ridge High School Yes
FXMRHS2020001AB6 Marriotts Ridge High School Yes
FXMRHS2020001AB4 Marriotts Ridge High School Rust on top plate of windows No
FXMRHS2020001AB2 Marriotts Ridge High School Yes
FXMRHS2020001AB1 Marriotts Ridge High School Broken cracked tile near kitchen Yes
FXMRHS2020001AAF Marriotts Ridge High School Needs painting from former leak if BS is complete… No
FXMRHS2020001AAD Marriotts Ridge High School Yes
FXMRHS2020001AAC Marriotts Ridge High School Yes
FXMRHS2020001AAB Marriotts Ridge High School Yes
FXMRHS2020001AA9 Marriotts Ridge High School Above reception Yes
FXMRHS2020001AA7 Marriotts Ridge High School Drywall cracked at door No
FXMRHS2020001AA5 Marriotts Ridge High School 18 " of clearance Yes
FXOMMS2020001AA4 Oakland Mills Middle School Exhaust not working Yes
FXOMMS2020001AA3 Oakland Mills Middle School Exhaust not working Yes
FXOMMS2020001AA2 Oakland Mills Middle School Yes
FXOMMS2020001AA1 Oakland Mills Middle School Near TU-2-2 Yes
FXOMMS2020001AA0 Oakland Mills Middle School Yes
FXOMMS2020001A9F Oakland Mills Middle School Yes
FXOMMS2020001A9E Oakland Mills Middle School Yes
FXOMMS2020001A9D Oakland Mills Middle School Two holes in ceiling in the shower area. Yes
FXOMMS2020001A9C Oakland Mills Middle School Hole in ceiling at entrance way Yes
FXOMMS2020001A9B Oakland Mills Middle School Crack by water pipes Yes
FXOMMS2020001A9A Oakland Mills Middle School Stained ceiling tile around camera Yes
FXOMMS2020001A99 Oakland Mills Middle School Yes
FXXCHS2020001A98 Centennial High School Painted tiles Yes
FXXCHS2020001A96 Centennial High School Yes
FXOMMS2020001A97 Oakland Mills Middle School Trophy needs to come down Yes
FXOMMS2020001A95 Oakland Mills Middle School Stained Ceiling tile Yes
FXOMMS2020001A94 Oakland Mills Middle School Stained ceiling tile Yes
FXOMMS2020001A93 Oakland Mills Middle School Two lights are out. Yes