
An finding is an individual nonconformity noticed during a walkthrough.

Tracking Number Facility Comments Closed
FXXCMS2020001C11 Clarksville Middle School Fridge Yes
FXXCMS2020001C10 Clarksville Middle School Yes
FXXCMS2020001C0F Clarksville Middle School Ceiling mounted television very close to the… No
FXXCMS2020001C0E Clarksville Middle School Floors not so clean Yes
FXXCMS2020001C0D Clarksville Middle School Non working fridge is stored. Needs to be… Yes
FXXCMS2020001C0C Clarksville Middle School No
FXXCMS2020001C0A Clarksville Middle School Floor needs to be swept No
FXXCMS2020001C09 Clarksville Middle School No
FXXCMS2020001C08 Clarksville Middle School Fridge Yes
FXXCMS2020001C06 Clarksville Middle School Vent is hanging No
FXXCMS2020001C05 Clarksville Middle School Yes
FXXCMS2020001C04 Clarksville Middle School Yes
FXXCMS2020001C03 Clarksville Middle School Ceiling mounted TV too close to sprinkler head No
FXXCMS2020001C02 Clarksville Middle School Need house keeping. Bugs inside light fixture.… Yes
FXXCMS2020001C01 Clarksville Middle School Walls need painting No
FXXCMS2020001C00 Clarksville Middle School Yes
FXXCMS2020001BFF Clarksville Middle School Some ceiling tiles not secure Yes
FXXCMS2020001BFE Clarksville Middle School Yes
FXXHES2020001BFD Hammond Elementary School No heat in the 4th grade area per the teachers… No
FXRBES2020001BFB Running Brook Elementary School Also HVAC grille in the wall blocked by a file… Yes
FXRBES2020001BFA Running Brook Elementary School Dead insects/ants on floor Yes
FXRBES2020001BF9 Running Brook Elementary School Yes
FXRBES2020001BF8 Running Brook Elementary School 4 floor rugs brought from home Yes
FXRBES2020001BF7 Running Brook Elementary School Microwave and fridge Yes
FXRBES2020001BF6 Running Brook Elementary School Maintain 18 inches clearance from the ceiling. Yes
FXRBES2020001BF5 Running Brook Elementary School Stuffed animals Yes
FXRBES2020001BF4 Running Brook Elementary School Sticky floors. Not very clean. Yes
FXRBES2020001BF3 Running Brook Elementary School Dirty carpet Yes
FXRBES2020001BF2 Running Brook Elementary School Floor dirty Yes
FXRBES2020001BF1 Running Brook Elementary School Wet spot on floor tile Yes
FXRBES2020001BF0 Running Brook Elementary School Floor under shelves dirty Yes
FXRBES2020001BEF Running Brook Elementary School Yes
FXRBES2020001BEE Running Brook Elementary School Ceiling tile loose Yes
FXRBES2020001BED Running Brook Elementary School Yes
FXRBES2020001BEC Running Brook Elementary School Floor needs to be polished. Yes
FXRBES2020001BEB Running Brook Elementary School Fridge and microwave Yes
FXRBES2020001BEA Running Brook Elementary School Coffee maker, fridge and microwave Yes
FXRBES2020001BE9 Running Brook Elementary School Floors not clean/polished Yes
FXRBES2020001BE8 Running Brook Elementary School Bugs inside the light fixture. Yes
FXRBES2020001BE7 Running Brook Elementary School Yes
FXRBES2020001BE6 Running Brook Elementary School Need thorough cleaning of the entire bathrooms.… Yes
FXRBES2020001BE5 Running Brook Elementary School Needs thorough cleaning of the entire bathroom. Yes
FXRBES2020001BE4 Running Brook Elementary School House keeping needed. Miscellenous material… Yes
FXRBES2020001BE3 Running Brook Elementary School Hole in the exterior wall near the exit double… No
FXRBES2020001BE2 Running Brook Elementary School Dust on ceiling Yes
FXRBES2020001BE1 Running Brook Elementary School No
FXRBES2020001BE0 Running Brook Elementary School Yes
FXRBES2020001BDF Running Brook Elementary School No
FXRBES2020001BDE Running Brook Elementary School No
FXRBES2020001BDD Running Brook Elementary School No