
An finding is an individual nonconformity noticed during a walkthrough.

Tracking Number Facility Comments Closed
FXXAES2020001C94 Atholton Elementary School Also no cover guard on sensor. Appears sensor… No
FXXAES2020001C93 Atholton Elementary School Ceiling tile has sensor needs tile cutting No
FXXAES2020001C92 Atholton Elementary School Yes
FXXAES2020001C91 Atholton Elementary School Red thumb tack already in place Yes
FXXAES2020001C90 Atholton Elementary School Ceiling tile with sprinkler head. Needs proper… No
FXXAES2020001C8F Atholton Elementary School Red tack already in place Yes
FXXAES2020001C8E Atholton Elementary School Behind circulation desk Yes
FXTRES2020001C8C Triadelphia Ridge Elementary School Yes
FXTRES2020001C8B Triadelphia Ridge Elementary School Ceiling tile moved Yes
FXTRES2020001C8A Triadelphia Ridge Elementary School Yes
FXTRES2020001C89 Triadelphia Ridge Elementary School Yes
FXTRES2020001C86 Triadelphia Ridge Elementary School Yes
FXTRES2020001C85 Triadelphia Ridge Elementary School Yes
FXTRES2020001C84 Triadelphia Ridge Elementary School Spider eggs left corner floor No
FXTRES2020001C82 Triadelphia Ridge Elementary School Two stained tiles/brown-near front entrance Yes
FXRHHS2020001C80 River Hill High School Yes
FXRHHS2020001C7F River Hill High School Yes
FXXAES2020001C7E Atholton Elementary School Yes
FXPLES2020001C7C Phelps Luck Elementary School Wall data or general outlet missing. Wall cavity… No
FXPLES2020001C7B Phelps Luck Elementary School Door with steps rusty exterior and will not swing… No
FXPLES2020001C7A Phelps Luck Elementary School Water continues to leak all over sink when in use No
FXPLES2020001C79 Phelps Luck Elementary School Spider webs in closet behind door and along… Yes
FXPLES2020001C78 Phelps Luck Elementary School Mice problem in closet No
FXPLES2020001C77 Phelps Luck Elementary School Water in light lense. Need to change ceiling… Yes
FXPLES2020001C76 Phelps Luck Elementary School Stained ceiling tile near speaker and along wall… Yes
FXPLES2020001C74 Phelps Luck Elementary School Yes
FXPLES2020001C73 Phelps Luck Elementary School Clean spider webs in closet Yes
FXPLES2020001C72 Phelps Luck Elementary School Sand and paint over sink Yes
FXPLES2020001C71 Phelps Luck Elementary School Exrerior door frame rusty from water damage. No
FXPLES2020001C70 Phelps Luck Elementary School Yes
FXPLES2020001C6F Phelps Luck Elementary School Corner wall needs caulking. No
FXPLES2020001C6E Phelps Luck Elementary School Yes
FXJHES2020001C6B Jeffers Hill Elementary School Yes
FXJHES2020001C6A Jeffers Hill Elementary School Light not working Yes
FXJHES2020001C69 Jeffers Hill Elementary School Yes
FXJHES2020001C68 Jeffers Hill Elementary School Yes
FXJHES2020001C67 Jeffers Hill Elementary School Items stored less than 18 inches from ceiling and… Yes
FXJHES2020001C66 Jeffers Hill Elementary School Few blue thumb tacks in the ceiling Yes
FXJHES2020001C65 Jeffers Hill Elementary School Yes
FXXIES2020001C63 Ilchester Elementary School Portable 35 - Missing t stat cover Yes
FXXIES2020001C62 Ilchester Elementary School Yes
FXXIES2020001C61 Ilchester Elementary School Yes
FXXIES2020001C5F Ilchester Elementary School Consider stacking paper boxes no more than 5 high… Yes
FXXIES2020001C5E Ilchester Elementary School Yes
FXXIES2020001C5B Ilchester Elementary School Yes
FXXIES2020001C59 Ilchester Elementary School Paint chipping on left side of Windows, possibly… Yes
FXXIES2020001C57 Ilchester Elementary School Gym office Fridge Yes
FXXIES2020001C55 Ilchester Elementary School Tile askew Yes
FXXIES2020001C53 Ilchester Elementary School Kitchen - dust and debris on sprinkler head Yes
FXJHES2020001C51 Jeffers Hill Elementary School Yes