
An finding is an individual nonconformity noticed during a walkthrough.

Tracking Number Facility Comments Closed
FXXPMS20230021A5 Patapsco Middle School Minor tears in fiberglass duct insulation (in… Yes
FXXPMS20230021A4 Patapsco Middle School Water ponding on the floor, appears to be… Yes
FXCCES20230021A2 Clemens Crossing Elementary School Aerosol disinfectants and an unlabeled spray… Yes
FXXPMS20230021A3 Patapsco Middle School In general, moderate to heavy dust loading was… Yes
FXCCES20230021A1 Clemens Crossing Elementary School Aerosol disinfectants and non-HCPSS cleaning/… Yes
FXXPMS20230021A0 Patapsco Middle School The wall-mounted HVAC equipment is missing a… Yes
FXCCES202300219F Clemens Crossing Elementary School Water stained ceiling tile. If not already being… Yes
FXCCES202300219E Clemens Crossing Elementary School The brick wall has a void the was filled in by… Yes
FXCCES202300219D Clemens Crossing Elementary School Mineral salts (indicative of a leak) observed… Yes
FXCCES202300219C Clemens Crossing Elementary School The thermostat's anti-tampering cover was… Yes
FXCCES202300219B Clemens Crossing Elementary School Water stained ceiling tile. If not already being… Yes
FXCCES202300219A Clemens Crossing Elementary School Water stained ceiling tile. If not already being… Yes
FXCCES2023002199 Clemens Crossing Elementary School Water stained ceiling tiles. If not already… Yes
FXCCES2023002198 Clemens Crossing Elementary School Water stained ceiling tile near door to hallway… Yes
FSJLES2023002197 St. John’s Lane Elementary School Yes
FXXAES2023002196 Atholton Elementary School Yes
FXHCMS2023002195 Harper’s Choice Middle School Water stained drywall ceiling near supply air… Yes
FXHCMS2023002194 Harper’s Choice Middle School Water stained ceiling tile near demo island. If… Yes
FXHCMS2023002193 Harper’s Choice Middle School Water stained ceiling tile near ceiling… Yes
FXHCMS2023002192 Harper’s Choice Middle School Throw rug has edges and corners curling up… Yes
FXHCMS2023002191 Harper’s Choice Middle School File cabinets have moderate to heavy dust… Yes
FXHCMS2023002190 Harper’s Choice Middle School Tops of lockers have moderate to heavy dust… Yes
FXHSES202300218F Hollifield Station Elementary School A light fixture framing has some rusting along… Yes
FXHSES202300218E Hollifield Station Elementary School The supply air diffusers associated with the… Yes
FXHSES202300218D Hollifield Station Elementary School Water stained bulkhead. Yes
FXHSES202300218C Hollifield Station Elementary School Water stained ceiling tile(s). If not already… Yes
FXHSES202300218B Hollifield Station Elementary School Water stained ceiling tile(s). If not already… Yes
FXHSES202300218A Hollifield Station Elementary School Stuffed animals present along with a fabric… Yes
FXHSES2023002189 Hollifield Station Elementary School A artificial plant that has dust accumulation was… Yes
FXHSES2023002188 Hollifield Station Elementary School Stuffed animals present. These items overtime… Yes
FXHSES2023002187 Hollifield Station Elementary School An aerosol disinfectant was observed and readily… Yes
FXHSES2023002186 Hollifield Station Elementary School Food readily accessible to insects and rodents.… Yes
FXHSES2023002185 Hollifield Station Elementary School One large stuffed animal present. These items… Yes
FXHSES2023002184 Hollifield Station Elementary School A poster is covering the room's thermostat.… Yes
FXHSES2023002183 Hollifield Station Elementary School A mirror is covering the room's thermostat… Yes
FXHSES2023002182 Hollifield Station Elementary School Drywall bulkhead near exterior wall has two water… Yes
FXHSES2023002181 Hollifield Station Elementary School Area carpeting present with corner(s) curling up… Yes
FXHSES2023002180 Hollifield Station Elementary School Thermostat was reading 59 degrees while others… Yes
FXHSES202300217F Hollifield Station Elementary School Some stuffed animals present. These items… Yes
FXHSES202300217E Hollifield Station Elementary School Food readily accessible to insects and rodents.… Yes
FXHSES202300217D Hollifield Station Elementary School Two very large stuffed animals present. These… Yes
FXHSES202300217C Hollifield Station Elementary School Area carpeting present with corner(s) curling up… Yes
FXHSES202300217B Hollifield Station Elementary School Food readily accessible to insects and rodents.… Yes
FXXAES202300217A Atholton Elementary School Yes
FXXAES2023002179 Atholton Elementary School Yes
FXXCHS2023002177 Centennial High School Several live plants observed. Some may not have… Yes
FXXCHS2023002176 Centennial High School Additional fabric materials, such as curtains on… Yes
FXXCHS2023002175 Centennial High School Scented aerosol disinfectant was observed. School… Yes
FXXCHS2023002174 Centennial High School A fungicide chemical product was observed. In… Yes
FXXCHS2023002173 Centennial High School The exterior handle of the main door is loose… Yes