
An finding is an individual nonconformity noticed during a walkthrough.

Tracking Number Facility Comments Closed
FXXCES2024002BCC Clarksville Elementary School Water stained ceiling tile. If not already being… Yes
FXXCES2024002BCB Clarksville Elementary School Relative humidity was 70.7% and temperature was… No
FXXCES2024002BCA Clarksville Elementary School Stuffed animals that appear non-school issued.… Yes
FXXCES2024002BC9 Clarksville Elementary School Dead bugs observed in light fixture and require… Yes
FXXCES2024002BC8 Clarksville Elementary School Missing lead signage for the: right hand faucet… No
FXXCES2024002BC7 Clarksville Elementary School Dead bugs observed in light fixture and require… Yes
FXXARL2024002BC6 Applications and Research Laboratory No
FXXARL2024002BC5 Applications and Research Laboratory No
FXXCES2024002BC4 Clarksville Elementary School A box fan was observed. If not serving an… Yes
FXXCES2024002BC3 Clarksville Elementary School Water stained ceiling tile. If not already being… Yes
FXMWES2024002BC2 Manor Woods Elementary School Yes
FXMWES2024002BC1 Manor Woods Elementary School Microwave was observed in the room. If not… Yes
FXMWES2024002BC0 Manor Woods Elementary School Cover around thermostat was removed. Building… No
FXMWES2024002BBF Manor Woods Elementary School Fan Mode set to "on" and temperature… No
FXMWES2024002BBE Manor Woods Elementary School Cover around thermostat was missing. Building… No
FXMWES2024002BBD Manor Woods Elementary School Fan mode set to "on" and temperature… No
FXMWES2024002BBC Manor Woods Elementary School Hand rail not secured (safety). No
FXMWES2024002BBB Manor Woods Elementary School A microwave and refrigerator were observed in the… Yes
FXMWES2024002BBA Manor Woods Elementary School Four missing lead signs. No
FXMWES2024002BB9 Manor Woods Elementary School Water stained ceiling tile. If not already being… Yes
FXMWES2024002BB8 Manor Woods Elementary School Cold and hot water handles observed to be leaking… No
FXMWES2024002BB7 Manor Woods Elementary School Water stained ceiling tile. If not already being… Yes
FXMWES2024002BB6 Manor Woods Elementary School Water stained ceiling tile. If not already being… Yes
FXMWES2024002BB5 Manor Woods Elementary School The supply diffusers are visibly dirty and… Yes
FXMWES2024002BB4 Manor Woods Elementary School Water stained ceiling tile. If not already being… Yes
FXMWES2024002BB3 Manor Woods Elementary School Faucet was observed to be leaking. No
FXMWES2024002BB2 Manor Woods Elementary School Water stained ceiling tile. If not already being… Yes
FXMWES2024002BB1 Manor Woods Elementary School Water stained ceiling tile. If not already being… Yes
FXMWES2024002BB0 Manor Woods Elementary School Dead bugs observed in light fixture and require… Yes
FXMWES2024002BAF Manor Woods Elementary School A microwave was observed in the room. If not… Yes
FXMWES2024002BAE Manor Woods Elementary School An aerosol disinfectant spray was observed… Yes
FXMWES2024002BAD Manor Woods Elementary School Faucet was observed to be leaking. No
FXMWES2024002BAC Manor Woods Elementary School Water stained ceiling tile. If not already being… Yes
FXMWES2024002BAB Manor Woods Elementary School The supply diffusers are visibly dirty and… Yes
FXMWES2024002BAA Manor Woods Elementary School A microwave was observed in the room. If not… Yes
FXMWES2024002BA9 Manor Woods Elementary School Dead bugs observed in light fixture and require… Yes
FXMWES2024002BA8 Manor Woods Elementary School Cold water handle observed to be leaking. No
FXMWES2024002BA7 Manor Woods Elementary School Water stained ceiling tile. If not already being… Yes
FXMWES2024002BA6 Manor Woods Elementary School Hot water handle observed to be leaking. No
FXMWES2024002BA5 Manor Woods Elementary School Fire extinguisher not signed off on within the… Yes
FXMWES2024002BA4 Manor Woods Elementary School Water stained ceiling tile. If not already being… Yes
FXMWES2024002BA3 Manor Woods Elementary School Four missing lead signs. No
FXMWES2024002BA2 Manor Woods Elementary School Water stained ceiling tile. If not already being… Yes
FXMWES2024002BA1 Manor Woods Elementary School Water stained ceiling tile. If not already being… Yes
FXMWES2024002BA0 Manor Woods Elementary School The supply diffusers are visibly dirty and… Yes
FXMWES2024002B9F Manor Woods Elementary School The supply diffusers are visibly dirty and… Yes
FXMWES2024002B9E Manor Woods Elementary School Water stained ceiling tile. If not already being… Yes
FXMWES2024002B9D Manor Woods Elementary School Water stained ceiling tile. If not already being… Yes
FXMWES2024002B9C Manor Woods Elementary School Water stained ceiling tile. If not already being… Yes
FXMWES2024002B9B Manor Woods Elementary School Visible daylight was observed underneath exterior… No