
An finding is an individual nonconformity noticed during a walkthrough.

Tracking Number Facility Comments Closed
FXXFES20190014CC Fulton Elementary School Housekeeping Yes
FXXFES20190014CB Fulton Elementary School Yes
FXXFES20190014CA Fulton Elementary School Yes
FXXFES20190014C9 Fulton Elementary School Yes
FXXFES20190014C8 Fulton Elementary School Yes
FXXFES20190014C6 Fulton Elementary School Electrical Room off Boiler Room - electrical… Yes
FXTSES20190014C4 Talbott Springs Elementary School Yes
FXTSES20190014C3 Talbott Springs Elementary School Yes
FXTSES20190014C2 Talbott Springs Elementary School Yes
FXXLES20190014C1 Lisbon Elementary School Clean Wall-Mounted HVAC unit No
FXPVMS20190014C0 Patuxent Valley Middle School Missing brick near roof line. Yes
FXPVMS20190014BF Patuxent Valley Middle School Inspect and Sign Off on Fire Exstinguisher Yes
FXPVMS20190014BE Patuxent Valley Middle School Yes
FXPVMS20190014BD Patuxent Valley Middle School Yes
FXPVMS20190014BC Patuxent Valley Middle School Yes
FXPVMS20190014BB Patuxent Valley Middle School Yes
FXPVMS20190014BA Patuxent Valley Middle School Yes
FXPVMS20190014B9 Patuxent Valley Middle School Yes
FXPVMS20190014B8 Patuxent Valley Middle School Yes
FXPVMS20190014B7 Patuxent Valley Middle School Yes
FXPVMS20190014B6 Patuxent Valley Middle School Yes
FXPVMS20190014B5 Patuxent Valley Middle School Yes
FXPVMS20190014B3 Patuxent Valley Middle School Inspect and sign off on fire exstinguisher Yes
FXPVMS20190014B2 Patuxent Valley Middle School Yes
FXPVMS20190014B0 Patuxent Valley Middle School Zip tie on sprinkler main - Assign WO to Plumbing Yes
FXPVMS20190014AF Patuxent Valley Middle School Yes
FXPVMS20190014AE Patuxent Valley Middle School Yes
FXPVMS20190014AC Patuxent Valley Middle School Housekeeping Yes
FXPVMS20190014AB Patuxent Valley Middle School Yes
FXPVMS20190014AA Patuxent Valley Middle School Yes
FXPVMS20190014A9 Patuxent Valley Middle School Yes
FXPVMS20190014A8 Patuxent Valley Middle School Yes
FXPVMS20190014A5 Patuxent Valley Middle School Music Office - dead bug in lights Yes
FXPVMS20190014A4 Patuxent Valley Middle School Yes
FXPVMS20190014A2 Patuxent Valley Middle School Yes
FXPVMS20190014A1 Patuxent Valley Middle School Yes
FXRBES20190014A0 Running Brook Elementary School Yes
FXRBES201900149F Running Brook Elementary School Yes
FXRBES201900149E Running Brook Elementary School Yes
FXMHMS201900149D Murray Hill Middle School HVAC units turned off because it gets too hot in… No
FXMHMS201900149C Murray Hill Middle School Window open & HVAC units turned off because… No
FXXRHS201900149B Reservoir High School Yes
FXXRHS201900149A Reservoir High School Yes
FXXRHS2019001499 Reservoir High School Yes
FXXRHS2019001497 Reservoir High School Yes
FXXRHS2019001496 Reservoir High School Yes
FXXRHS2019001495 Reservoir High School Yes
FXXRHS2019001494 Reservoir High School Yes
FXXRHS2019001493 Reservoir High School Yes
FXMHMS2019001492 Murray Hill Middle School Blocking electrical panels Yes