Finding: Northfield Elementary School: rooms 144/145 - kindergarten (FXXNES2018000129)

Finding Type
Miscellaneous finding

Per work order 88222, Building Services checked over both RTUs and both were operating as expected.  The refrigerant level, amperage draw on condenser fans and compressors were acceptable.  The fan belts were in good condition.  The cooling, condenser, and evaporator coils were cleaned.  The outdoor air dampers were checked and found not to be operating. 

Additional work was performed on September 26, 2018 to complete the review and verify the RTUs were operating per control settings.

Building Services and the Office of Environment will continue to monitor the situation during the cooling season and make necessary corrections to eliminate excessive humidity levels within the classrooms. A review of the ventilation systems that services the rooms will occur.

rooms 144/145 - kindergarten
Tracking Number
Assigned To
Building Services
Completion Date