Finding: Thunder Hill Elementary School: Kitchen in Cafeteria (FXTHES202200203D)

Finding Type
Visible mold on surfaces due to elevated relative humidity/dew point

A board-approved restoration contractor cleaned/disinfected the affected walls in the locker room/bathroom. The area was than encapsulated. This area will be monitored during routine IEQ Walkthroughs until funding can be identified to repair/replace the walk-in. 

Food and Nutrition Services is also to monitor the area and clean as necessary. Cleaning can be done by wiping down the walls with a microfiber cloth (Custodial has) and a standard cleaning solution. The condition may re-occur over the summer due to higher temperature differential and lack of routine cleaning (food service not in during the summer). If this occurs, Food Services can clean upon their return in August.

Fans can be placed in the locker room and bathroom to increase air movement prior to Food Services leaving for the Summer.  Additionally, the doors to the locker room/bathroom can be left open. This may assist in reducing the severity of mold growth over the Summer.

Kitchen in Cafeteria
Tracking Number
Assigned To
Environmental Services
Completion Date