Finding: Oakland Mills High School: Rooms 108, 103, 106, 801, 210, 805, 270, Media Lab, 308, 701 and 606 (FXOMHS2023002702)

Finding Type
Visible mold on surfaces due to elevated relative humidity/dew point

Media - A board-approved contractor cleaned/disinfected wood surfaces to include surfaces not impacted by mold growth (wipe down and High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) vacuuming). Additionally, each book was removed from the bookshelf, assessed, and cleaned as necessary. The work was overseen by a board-approved third-party industrial hygienist. Multiple commercial HEPA air purifiers were operated in the work area during cleaning. This work was completed on October 1, 2023. 

Rooms 108, 103, 106, 801, 210, 805, 270, Media Lab, 308, 701 and 606
Tracking Number
Assigned To
Environmental Services
Completion Date