Concern: Oakland Mills High School: January 16th, 2025 (CXOMHS202500033B)

304 and 807
Date of IEQ Report Form
Date of Report
A general health symptom was reported and believed to be associated with 807 or 304. I have a mold allergy and it flares up whenever I enter school, but specifically in rooms 304 and 807. My eyes burn so bad that I can barely keep them open and it really hinders my learning.
IEQ Investigation Process

Identify deficiencies that may impact IEQ and/or sources of odor concerns. Typically includes the following depending on the nature of concern, but not limited to:

  • interview/questionnaire of concern individual(s)
  • inspection above drop ceiling (condition of roof deck, pipe insulation, return air plenum)
  • inspection of ventilation system (operation of variable air volume box and outdoor air dampers, check controls, measurements of carbon dioxide, temperature and relative humidity, sources near outdoor air intake, measure return and supply air volume, cleanliness of coils, liner and condensate pan)
  • inspection of exterior
  • inspection below drop ceiling (housekeeping, sink and floor drain traps, signs of past and present moisture concern via visual and/or moisture meter, mold growth, ensure connection of current and capping of abandoned sanitary vents, odorizers, excessive plants and fabric items, identify potential pathways, and measure volatile organic compounds, carbon monoxide, and lighting)

Date(s) of Assessment: January 21, 2024

Room 807

Various surfaces were assessed for mold growth. Visible mold growth was identifed under a sink in the space. 

In general, cleaning practices appeared acceptable. Some minor dust was observed within closed cabinets where items were stored. 

No malodors were identifed within the space. 

No signs of moisture intrusion were noted around the exterior windows. 

The drywall was probed with a moisture meter. No elevated moisture was detected. 

The wooden lab benches and cabinetry were probed with a moisture meter in various locations. No elevated moisture was detected. 

No odors or moisture concerns were observed above the drop ceiling. 

A data logger was placed in the space to measure carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide can be an indicator if sufficient outdoor air is being delivered via the Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system. No sustained elevated carbon dioxide readings were identifed. 

The space is served by Roof Top Unit-9:

  • The outside air dampers were open. 
  • The filters were in place an in good condition. 
  • No concerns were identifed with the coils. 

Room 304

Various surfaces were assessed for mold growth. No visible mold growth was observed. 

No malodors were identifed within the space. 

The drywall columns were probed with a moisture meter. No elevated moisture was detected. 

No odors or moisture concerns were observed above the drop ceiling. 

A data logger was placed in the space to measure carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide can be an indicator if sufficient outdoor air is being delivered via the Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system. No sustained elevated carbon dioxide readings were identifed.

The space is served by Air Handling Unit-2:

  • The outside air dampers were open. 
  • The filters were in place an in good condition. 
Corrective Actions
January 21st, 2025

A work order was created for building maintenance to address the cause of the leak. Water is to remain off until the root cause is addressed. Once the cause is addressed the work order is to be forwarded to the Carpentry Department to rebuild the portions of the cabinet that were removed. 

January 24th, 2025

A board-approved restoration contractor removed several impacted wood components from underneath the sink. Remaining areas were cleaned and encapsulated. 

January 27th, 2025

Staff from 807 should coordinate with custodial staff to remove items from inside cabinets so the inside of the cabinets can be dusted. 

Tracking Number