
An finding is an individual nonconformity noticed during a walkthrough.

Tracking Number Sort ascending Facility Comments Closed
FXWFES2022001F9B West Friendship Elementary School Yes
FXWFES2022001F86 West Friendship Elementary School Yes
FXWFES2021001F56 West Friendship Elementary School Yes
FXWFES2021001F55 West Friendship Elementary School Yes
FXWFES2020001EEC West Friendship Elementary School Yes
FXWFES2020001EEB West Friendship Elementary School Yes
FXWFES2020001EEA West Friendship Elementary School Yes
FXWFES2020001B38 West Friendship Elementary School Front entrance. End of the hall. Outside exit… No
FXWFES2020001B37 West Friendship Elementary School Possible brick and mortar damage on outside… No
FXWFES2020001B36 West Friendship Elementary School Stepping and cracking of mortar in area above door No
FXWFES2020001B35 West Friendship Elementary School Stained tile Yes
FXWFES2020001B33 West Friendship Elementary School Stained tile in closet of 166 Yes
FXWFES2020001B32 West Friendship Elementary School Dirty filter Yes
FXWFES2020001B30 West Friendship Elementary School Dirty filter Yes
FXWFES2020001B2F West Friendship Elementary School Paint peeling on wall to left of exterior door Yes
FXWFES2020001B2E West Friendship Elementary School Air filter to ceiling return dirty Yes
FXWFES2020001B2D West Friendship Elementary School Dirty filter Yes
FXWFES2020001B2C West Friendship Elementary School Over loaded air filters in ceiling return Yes
FXWFES2020001B2B West Friendship Elementary School Dirty filter Yes
FXWFES2020001B2A West Friendship Elementary School Minor stain around perimeter of hvac ceiling… Yes
FXWFES2020001B29 West Friendship Elementary School Dirty filter Yes
FXWFES2020001B28 West Friendship Elementary School Dirty filter Yes
FXWFES2020001B27 West Friendship Elementary School Ceiling return air filter past due Yes
FXWFES2020001B26 West Friendship Elementary School Filter of ceiling return looks past due for change Yes
FXWFES2020001B25 West Friendship Elementary School Dirty filter Yes
FXWFES2020001B24 West Friendship Elementary School Dirty filter Yes
FXWFES2020001B23 West Friendship Elementary School Carpet squares for student use exists Yes
FXWFES2020001B22 West Friendship Elementary School Daylight bottom left of exit door Yes
FXWFES2020001B21 West Friendship Elementary School Missing filter in bathroom Yes
FXWFES2020001B20 West Friendship Elementary School Daylight bottom of hall exit door Yes
FXWFES2020001B1F West Friendship Elementary School Gap at bottom of main door Yes
FXWFES2020001B1E West Friendship Elementary School 132B vent dirty Yes
FXWFES2020001B1C West Friendship Elementary School Carpet squares for student use exists Yes
FXWFES2020001B1B West Friendship Elementary School 134A&B missing filters in vents Yes
FXWFES2020001B1A West Friendship Elementary School 134B stained tile Yes
FXWFES2020001B19 West Friendship Elementary School Dirty diffusers Yes
FXWFES2020001B18 West Friendship Elementary School Dirty and stained light cover in closet Yes
FXWFES2020001B17 West Friendship Elementary School Dirty vent filter in bathroom Yes
FXWFES2020001B16 West Friendship Elementary School Stain Yes
FXWFES2020001B15 West Friendship Elementary School Stain above ice machine Yes
FXWFES2020001B14 West Friendship Elementary School Several stains Yes
FXWFES2020001B13 West Friendship Elementary School Yes
FXWFES2020001B12 West Friendship Elementary School Diffusers dirty Yes
FXWFES2020001B11 West Friendship Elementary School Exterior door with day light Yes
FXWFES2020001B10 West Friendship Elementary School Diffusers with some dirt accumulation Yes
FXWFES2019001246 West Friendship Elementary School Yes
FXWFES20190011B6 West Friendship Elementary School Yes
FXWFES20190011B5 West Friendship Elementary School Yes
FXWFES2019001022 West Friendship Elementary School Wood piling is raised off ground creating a… No
FXWFES2019001021 West Friendship Elementary School Several areas have missing or damaged bricks. No