
An finding is an individual nonconformity noticed during a walkthrough.

Tracking Number Facility Comments Closed
FXRBES2020001BDC Running Brook Elementary School No
FXRBES2020001BDB Running Brook Elementary School Yes
FXRBES2020001BDA Running Brook Elementary School Yes
FXRBES2020001BD2 Running Brook Elementary School No
FXRBES2020001BCF Running Brook Elementary School Yes
FXRBES2020001BCE Running Brook Elementary School No
FXRBES2020001BCB Running Brook Elementary School Metal hanging out of ceiling and wall damage by… No
FXRBES2020001BC9 Running Brook Elementary School Interior door not closing No
FXRBES2020001BC8 Running Brook Elementary School Yes
FXRBES2020001BC7 Running Brook Elementary School No
FXRBES2020001BC6 Running Brook Elementary School Yes
FXRBES2020001BC5 Running Brook Elementary School Yes
FXRBES2020001BC4 Running Brook Elementary School No
FXRBES2020001BC3 Running Brook Elementary School No
FXFRES2020001BC1 Forest Ridge Elementary School Yes
FXLKMS2020001BC0 Lime Kiln Middle School Please put in a work order for the HVAC Dept from… No
FXXHES2020001BBF Hammond Elementary School Yes
FXXHES2020001BBE Hammond Elementary School Yes
FXXHES2020001BBD Hammond Elementary School Yes
FXXHES2020001BBC Hammond Elementary School Stains on wall above door No
FXXHES2020001BBA Hammond Elementary School Yes
FXXHES2020001BB9 Hammond Elementary School Cold water tab not working No
FXXHES2020001BB7 Hammond Elementary School Hot water tab not working No
FXXHES2020001BB6 Hammond Elementary School Yes
FXXHES2020001BB5 Hammond Elementary School No
FXXHES2020001BB4 Hammond Elementary School Yes
FXXHES2020001BB3 Hammond Elementary School Yes
FXXHES2020001BB2 Hammond Elementary School Yes
FXXHES2020001BB1 Hammond Elementary School No
FXXHES2020001BB0 Hammond Elementary School No
FXXHES2020001BAE Hammond Elementary School No
FXXHES2020001BAD Hammond Elementary School No
FXXHES2020001BAC Hammond Elementary School Yes
FXOMMS2020001BAB Oakland Mills Middle School Yes
FXOMMS2020001BAA Oakland Mills Middle School Lot of flattened cardboard boxes and other junk… Yes
FXLKMS2020001BA9 Lime Kiln Middle School Needs to be cleaned out No
FXLKMS2020001BA8 Lime Kiln Middle School Junky mess. Needs organization, equipment thrown… Yes
FXLKMS2020001BA7 Lime Kiln Middle School Door block to instruct storage room. Storage… Yes
FXLKMS2020001BA6 Lime Kiln Middle School Microwave and fridge Yes
FXLKMS2020001BA5 Lime Kiln Middle School Paper, boxes, junk everywhere. Need to organize… No
FXLKMS2020001BA4 Lime Kiln Middle School Junk mess and needs to be cleaned out. Yes
FXLKMS2020001BA3 Lime Kiln Middle School Yes
FXLKMS2020001BA2 Lime Kiln Middle School Dirty and dusty Yes
FXLKMS2020001BA1 Lime Kiln Middle School Yes
FXLKMS2020001BA0 Lime Kiln Middle School Yes
FXLKMS2020001B9F Lime Kiln Middle School Yes
FXLKMS2020001B9E Lime Kiln Middle School Yes
FXLKMS2020001B9D Lime Kiln Middle School Need to remove christmas decoration Yes
FXLKMS2020001B9C Lime Kiln Middle School Yes
FXLKMS2020001B9B Lime Kiln Middle School Yes