
An finding is an individual nonconformity noticed during a walkthrough.

Tracking Number Facility Comments Closed
FXMHHS20180004D9 Mount Hebron High School Yes
FXMHHS20180004D8 Mount Hebron High School Cinder block under window Yes
FXMHHS20180004D7 Mount Hebron High School Dry wall around ceiling vent need to be repaired No
FXMHHS20180004D6 Mount Hebron High School Water damage on cinder block wall under window Yes
FXMHHS20180004D4 Mount Hebron High School Bugs in light No
FXMHHS20180004D3 Mount Hebron High School Yes
FXMHHS20180004D2 Mount Hebron High School Yes
FXMHHS20180004D1 Mount Hebron High School Dust on vent Yes
FXMHHS20180004D0 Mount Hebron High School Rust on sprinkler head. Carpet cleaner remnant on… No
FXMHHS20180004CF Mount Hebron High School Yes
FXMHHS20180004CE Mount Hebron High School Yes
FXMHHS20180004CC Mount Hebron High School Stand up fan and multi desk lamps Yes
FXMHHS20180004CB Mount Hebron High School Stain Yes
FXMHHS20180004CA Mount Hebron High School Yes
FXMHHS20180004C8 Mount Hebron High School Ceiling vent Yes
FXMHHS20180004C7 Mount Hebron High School Yes
FXMHHS20180004C6 Mount Hebron High School Yes
FXMHHS20180004C5 Mount Hebron High School Damaged ceiling Yes
FXMHHS20180004C4 Mount Hebron High School Yes
FXMHHS20180004C3 Mount Hebron High School Cracked tiles Yes
FXMHHS20180004C2 Mount Hebron High School Yes
FXMHHS20180004C1 Mount Hebron High School Yes
FXMHHS20180004C0 Mount Hebron High School Yes
FXMHHS20180004BF Mount Hebron High School Yes
FXMHHS20180004BE Mount Hebron High School Repairs wall needs o be painted No
FXMHHS20180004BC Mount Hebron High School Small stain above desk. Cracked tile. Stained… Yes
FXMHHS20180004BA Mount Hebron High School 18 inch clearance Yes
FXMHHS20180004B9 Mount Hebron High School Blue bin on top of cabinet No
FXMHHS20180004B8 Mount Hebron High School Dust around the vent Yes
FXMHHS20180004B5 Mount Hebron High School 2 microwaves, fridge, coffee maker Yes
FXMHHS20180004B4 Mount Hebron High School Yes
FXMHHS20180004B1 Mount Hebron High School Uncontainerized food, paint ceiling tiles,… No
FXMHHS20180004B0 Mount Hebron High School Yes
FXMHHS20180004AE Mount Hebron High School Possible water filtration at windows Yes
FXMHHS20180004AD Mount Hebron High School Weird floor trap door No
FXMHHS20180004AC Mount Hebron High School Microwave and a fridge Yes
FXMHHS20180004AB Mount Hebron High School Hole in tile Yes
FXMHHS20180004AA Mount Hebron High School 2 sprinklers are damaged Yes
FXMHHS20180004A9 Mount Hebron High School Toaster and microwave No
FXMHHS20180004A8 Mount Hebron High School Water stain Yes
FXMHHS20180004A7 Mount Hebron High School Refrigerator Yes
FXMHHS20180004A6 Mount Hebron High School Yes
FXMHHS20180004A5 Mount Hebron High School Yes
FXMHHS20180004A4 Mount Hebron High School No
FXMHHS20180004A3 Mount Hebron High School Light sensor is broken and falling Yes
FXMHHS20180004A2 Mount Hebron High School Yes
FXMHHS20180004A1 Mount Hebron High School Vents need to be cleaned Yes
FXMHHS20180004A0 Mount Hebron High School Yes
FXMHHS201800049F Mount Hebron High School Big stain due to water leak Yes
FXMHHS201800049E Mount Hebron High School At the corner, ceiling guide is damaged Yes