
An finding is an individual nonconformity noticed during a walkthrough.

Tracking Number Facility Comments Closed
FXWLHS201900167C Wilde Lake High School Stain Yes
FXWLHS201900167B Wilde Lake High School Stain Yes
FXWLHS201900167A Wilde Lake High School Stain Yes
FXWLHS2019001679 Wilde Lake High School Dust on lockers Yes
FXWLHS2019001678 Wilde Lake High School Dusty locker tops in hallway of 231 Yes
FXWLHS2019001677 Wilde Lake High School Stain Yes
FXWLHS2019001676 Wilde Lake High School Stained floor tile Yes
FXWLHS2019001675 Wilde Lake High School Stain in ceiling tile Yes
FXWLHS2019001674 Wilde Lake High School Fecal matter No
FXWLHS2019001673 Wilde Lake High School High dusting Yes
FXWLHS2019001672 Wilde Lake High School High dusting needed Yes
FXWLHS2019001671 Wilde Lake High School Cracked tile No
FXWLHS2019001670 Wilde Lake High School Air return vent dust Yes
FXWLHS201900166F Wilde Lake High School Dust on ceiling near air output Yes
FXWLHS201900166D Wilde Lake High School Slightly bowed may go along with finding of rusty… Yes
FXWLHS201900166C Wilde Lake High School Return vents in wall rusty and need painted… No
FXWLHS201900166B Wilde Lake High School Tile stained Yes
FXWLHS201900166A Wilde Lake High School Ceiling tile missing, app crashes when try to… Yes
FXWLHS2019001669 Wilde Lake High School Stain in tile Yes
FXWLHS2019001668 Wilde Lake High School Tile stained Yes
FXWLHS2019001667 Wilde Lake High School Dusty on top of lockers Yes
FXWLHS2019001666 Wilde Lake High School Stained tile No
FXWLHS2019001665 Wilde Lake High School Top of lockers Dusty in locker room and team rooms Yes
FXWLHS2019001663 Wilde Lake High School Tiles stained Yes
FXWLHS2019001662 Wilde Lake High School Teacher informed saw mouse No
FXWLHS2019001661 Wilde Lake High School Wall mounted units have grime mildew Yes
FXWLHS2019001660 Wilde Lake High School Stained tiles No
FXWLHS201900165F Wilde Lake High School Minor ceiling tile damage Yes
FXWLHS201900165E Wilde Lake High School Stain Yes
FXWLHS201900165D Wilde Lake High School Tiles cracked
FXWLHS201900165C Wilde Lake High School Completely full, things fall out when door opened Yes
FXWLHS201900165A Wilde Lake High School Ceiling tile stained Yes
FXWLHS2019001659 Wilde Lake High School Yes
FXWLHS2019001658 Wilde Lake High School Tile broken
Floor drain partially blocked
FXWLHS2019001657 Wilde Lake High School Cracked tile Yes
FXWLHS2019001656 Wilde Lake High School Dust Yes
FXWLHS2019001655 Wilde Lake High School Yes
FXWLHS2019001654 Wilde Lake High School Stained carpet Yes
FXWLHS2019001653 Wilde Lake High School Teacher saw mouse recently No
FXWLHS2019001652 Wilde Lake High School Stained tiles Yes
FXWLHS2019001651 Wilde Lake High School Missing tiles leading to exterior door No
FXWLHS2019001650 Wilde Lake High School Tile stained Yes
FXWLHS201900164F Wilde Lake High School Light visible through bottom gap exterior door No
FXWLHS201900164E Wilde Lake High School Carpet stained Yes
FXWLHS201900164D Wilde Lake High School Noticeably colder than other rooms No
FXWLHS201900164C Wilde Lake High School Tile cracked Yes
FXWLHS201900164B Wilde Lake High School Ceiling tile has small water stain Yes
FXWLHS201900164A Wilde Lake High School Tear in carpet with thread coming up No
FXWLHS2019001649 Wilde Lake High School Water bottles on floor Yes
FXWLHS2019001648 Wilde Lake High School Carpet ripped with thread pulling up No