Concern: Lisbon Elementary School: August 15th, 2024 (CXXLES2024000310)

Room 135
Date of IEQ Report Form
Date of Report
It appears that there is mold growing on the carpet in room 135 where student desks were placed top down on the carpet after it was scrubbed. The carpet must have still been wet from cleaning when the desks were placed on it top down. This is the only area of the carpet that appears to have an issue.
IEQ Investigation Process

Identify deficiencies that may impact IEQ and/or sources of odor concerns. Typically includes the following depending on the nature of concern, but not limited to:

  • interview/questionnaire of concern individual(s)
  • inspection above drop ceiling (condition of roof deck, pipe insulation, return air plenum)
  • inspection of ventilation system (operation of variable air volume box and outdoor air dampers, check controls, measurements of carbon dioxide, temperature and relative humidity, sources near outdoor air intake, measure return and supply air volume, cleanliness of coils, liner and condensate pan)
  • inspection of exterior
  • inspection below drop ceiling (housekeeping, sink and floor drain traps, signs of past and present moisture concern via visual and/or moisture meter, mold growth, ensure connection of current and capping of abandoned sanitary vents, odorizers, excessive plants and fabric items, identify potential pathways, and measure volatile organic compounds, carbon monoxide, and lighting)

Date(s) of Assessment: N/A

The Office of the Environment was not able to visit the site due to work load/staffing, however recommendations were provided based on site photographs and discussions with onsite staff. 

As noted in the concern description, the cause of the mold growth appeared to be due to desks being stored upside down on the carpet after it was cleaned over the summer.

The carpet was not able to dry due to the placement of the desks. 

Corrective Actions
August 14th, 2024

Custodial Services removed furniture from the space and disinfected/extracted the carpet in the space (not just the area of impact). The desks were also cleaned/disinfected. A fan was placed in the space after the cleaning to facilitate drying.  

August 26th, 2024

The Office of the Environment contacted Custodial Services regarding cleaning practices and the prevention of microbial growth. Custodial Services will be performing additional training with staff members preventative measures during cleaning activities. 

Tracking Number