Concern: Hammond High School: March 27th, 2019 (CXHAHS20190000C6)

Various Areas
Date of IEQ Report Form
Date of Report
A leak occurred the night of March 25, 2019. A representative from Building Services arrived onsite the night of March 25, 2019 and assisted in delineating the area of impact and placing fans to begin the drying process.
IEQ Investigation Process

Identify deficiencies that may impact IEQ and/or sources of odor concerns. Typically includes the following depending on the nature of concern, but not limited to:

  • interview/questionnaire of concern individual(s)
  • inspection above drop ceiling (condition of roof deck, pipe insulation, return air plenum)
  • inspection of ventilation system (operation of variable air volume box and outdoor air dampers, check controls, measurements of carbon dioxide, temperature and relative humidity, sources near outdoor air intake, measure return and supply air volume, cleanliness of coils, liner and condensate pan)
  • inspection of exterior
  • inspection below drop ceiling (housekeeping, sink and floor drain traps, signs of past and present moisture concern via visual and/or moisture meter, mold growth, ensure connection of current and capping of abandoned sanitary vents, odorizers, excessive plants and fabric items, identify potential pathways, and measure volatile organic compounds, carbon monoxide, and lighting)

Date of Assessment(s): March 26 and 27, 2019

The Office of the Environment arrived the morning of March 26, 2019. It was reported that a capped pipe within a custodial closet had failed, leaking water into the custodial closet. The water then flowed into several adjoining areas. The leak was corrected by Building Services on March 25, 2019.

A thermal infrared camera and a moisture meter were utilized to further delineate the area impacted by the leak.

Custodial Closet

Numerous items were wet (new dry mop heads, new buffer pads, etc.). The cardboard boxes these items were stored in were discarded. The items were dried out for re-use.

Room 205

The carpet and a section of drywall were impacted. Building Services placed fans, removed cove base, and punctured holes in the drywall to facilitate drying.

The Office of the Environment propped furniture (file cabinet) up in the room to facilitate drying underneath.

Room 101 (Music)

Water was reported to have flowed into Room 101, however no elevated moisture was detected in Room 101. The areas were already dry.

Elevated moisture was detected in the carpet of the practice rooms. Building Services had already placed fans in the practice rooms to facilitate the drying process.

The case work was measured with a moisture meter (wood setting). No elevated moisture was detected.

Hallway Outside of 206 and 216

The drywall within the hallway outside of Room 206 and 216 contained elevated moisture. The cove base was removed and holes were drilled into the drywall to facilitate drying of the drywall and the fiberglass insulation (located behind the wall).

While removing covebase, mold growth was found. This mold growth would not have occurred due to the leak as the time passed since the leak was not enough time to facilitate mold growth. The impacted drywall was removed after identifying the mold growth.

Fans were placed in the hallway to dry effected areas.

Room 216

A small area of wet carpet and drywall was identified. The cove base was removed and a fan was placed to dry the carpet and drywall. Holes were not drilled into the wall because holes had already been drilled on the opposite side of the wall (Hallway).

Room 206

Two areas of wet drywall and a section of casework were identified to contain elevated moisture. The cove base was removed, holes drilled, and fans were placed to facilitate drying.

The Office of the Environment returned the afternoon of March 27, 2019. All areas noted to be impacted above were dry based on moisture meter readings, touching the material (fiberglass insulation) and a thermal infrared screening. Building Services would not be back to the site until the next morning to reinstall materials. Because of this, the Office of the Environment directed Custodial Services to keep the fans operating for the remainder of the night.

The response actions noted above are intended to prevent microbiological growth. No further action is required as it relates to microbial growth.

Tracking Number